Developer notes

Ligands in PDB files

LUNA works with both Open Babel and RDKit. You can switch between both libraries when setting a new project. So, the choice between Open Babel and RDKit depends on the type of molecular file you are working with. If you have ligands in MOL or MOL2 files, for instance, you can use RDKit for your convenience as you will be able to apply RDKit functions directly on the molecular object stored at LUNA entries. However, if you frequently work with ligands in PDB files, you may be especially interested in reading this note.

Although each library has its own difficulties at parsing PDB files, we identified that Open Babel works better at parsing ligands from PDB files, especially what concerns ligands containing aromatic rings. That happens because PDB files don’t contain information about atomic charges, valences, and bond types. Consequently, it may occur that some ligands are incorrectly perceived by Open Babel and RDKit.

For this reason, when working with ligands in PDB files, no matter you choose Open Babel or RDKit, we use Open Babel under the hood for parsing, amending, and converting ligands so that both final Open Babel and RDKit objects reflect at most the original and expected molecular structure.

However, in the past, I identified different errors in different Open Babel versions, which can be seen in this issue thread. During that time, I identified that Open Babel 2.3.2 works better for parsing PDB files. For the most common errors identified in this version, I implemented amending solutions like charge correction based on the OpenEye charge model, or valence correction. Since this solution was taken on basis of Open Babel 2.3.2, some errors from other versions may still persist.

Having that in mind, I usually prefer to use two Open Babel versions in LUNA projects: 2.3.2 for parsing/amending/converting molecules and 3.1.1 as the standard Python library to wrap molecules as Python objects. However, by default, LUNA is configurated to use only the version 3.1.1 of Open Babel. So, if you work with PDB files and are also interested to use this strategy, you can change the OPENBABEL default executable at luna/util/ There, modify the variable OPENBABEL to the executable of your preference. For example, in my local environment, you will find OPENBABEL set to “/usr/bin/obabel” that is the version 2.3.3.

Authoring code

We welcome contributions to LUNA!!! These notes are designed to help developers contribute code.

Code Formatting

LUNA’s code should be readable. To ensure this, we rigorously follow the PEP8 style conventions and PEP257 docstring conventions, which maximize readability of the code and ease of future development. You may check your code for conformation to these conventions with the pycodestyle and pydocstyle utilities, respectively. Where the code is necessarily complicated, inline comments should reorient the reader.


LUNA-specific errors should inherit luna.util.exceptions.LUNAError base class. However, several built-in exceptions are also included in luna.util.exceptions.

Contributing Code

Before contributing code to LUNA, it is advisable for major modifications to submit an issue to the issue tracker to enable other developers to contribute to the design of the code and to reduce the amount of work necessary to conform the code to LUNA’s standards. After writing the code, create a pull request. This is best even if you have push access to the LUNA repo, as it enables the test suite to be run on the new code prior to merging it with the remaining code base.


LUNA versioning system is inspired by the Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer), in which the version number takes on the following pattern MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.

Given a version number, increment:

  • MAJOR version when you make big scientific updates, which will make results produced by LUNA backward-incompatible;

  • MINOR version when you make backward-incompatible updates that do not involve big scientific updates (e.g., modify class and function parameters);

  • PATCH version when you make backward-compatible bug fixes or add new functionalities.

Writing Tests

The standard in LUNA is to commit a test for new functionality simultaneously with the new functionality or within the same pull request. While this slows development, it prevents building a large backlog of untested methods and classes.

These should ideally be unit tests, though for some complicated functionalities, integration tests are also necessary. For these complicated functions, specific units may still be tested using unittest.mock.

Continuous Integration

LUNA uses Travis CI for continuous integration. This ensures that each commit and pull request passes all tests on a variety of a systems and for all supported versions of Python. Additionally, Travis CI updates code coverage on Coveralls and tests all usage examples in the documentation using doctest.


In general, it is best to document the rationale and basic usage of a module, class, or method in its docstring instead of in a separate documentation file. See, for example, the docstring for InteractionCalculator. We use a variety of tools to ensure that our documentation is always up-to-date. The official documentation is hosted on ReadtheDocs and is automatically generated when new code is committed to the repository.

Documenting Code

LUNA uses NumPy’s docstring conventions for all docstrings. These are parsed by Sphinx using Napoleon.

The purpose of a docstring is to explain the purpose of a class/method, any relevant implementation details, its parameters, its attributes, its outputs, and its usage. The goal is clarity. For self-evident methods with descriptive variables, a simple one-line summary is all that is needed. For complicated use cases, often involving other methods/classes, it is better to document the usage elsewhere in the documentation.