Source code for luna.interaction.calc

from openbabel import openbabel as ob
from operator import le, ge
from itertools import combinations, product
from collections import defaultdict
import json

from luna.interaction.config import DefaultInteractionConfig, InteractionConfig
from luna.interaction.filter import InteractionFilter
from luna.interaction.type import InteractionType
from luna.mol.features import ChemicalFeature
from luna.wrappers.base import BondType
from luna.analysis.summary import count_interaction_types
import luna.util.math as im
from luna.util.default_values import BOUNDARY_CONFIG
from luna.util.exceptions import IllegalArgumentError
from luna.mol.groups import AtomGroupNeighborhood
from luna.util.file import pickle_data, unpickle_data
from luna.version import __version__

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()

CATIONS = ("PositivelyIonizable", "PosIonizable", "Positive")
ANIONS = ("NegativelyIonizable", "NegIonizable", "Negative")

    BondType.SINGLE: "Single bond",
    BondType.DOUBLE: "Double bond",
    BondType.TRIPLE: "Triple bond",
    BondType.AROMATIC: "Aromatic bond"

WATER_NAMES = ['HOH', 'DOD', 'WAT', 'H2O', 'OH2']

[docs]class InteractionsManager: """Store and manage :class:`~luna.interaction.type.InteractionType` objects. Parameters ---------- interactions : iterable of :class:`~luna.interaction.type.InteractionType`, optional An initial sequence of :class:`~luna.interaction.type.InteractionType` objects. entry : :class:`~luna.mol.entry.Entry`, optional The chain or compound used as reference to calculate interactions. """ def __init__(self, interactions=None, entry=None): if interactions is None: interactions = [] self.entry = entry self._interactions = list(interactions) self.version = __version__ @property def interactions(self): """ list of :class:`~luna.interaction.type.InteractionType`, read-only: The list of interactions.\ Additional interactions should be added using the method :py:meth:`add_interactions`.""" return self._interactions @property def size(self): """int, read-only: The number of interactions.""" return len(self._interactions)
[docs] def get_all_atm_grps(self): """Get all atom groups establishing interactions. Returns ------- : set of :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` """ atm_grps = set() for inter in self.interactions: atm_grps.add(inter.src_grp) atm_grps.add(inter.trgt_grp) return atm_grps
[docs] def count_interations(self, must_have_target=False): """Count the number of each type of interaction in ``interactions``. Parameters ---------- must_have_target : bool If True, count only interactions involving the target ligand. The default value is False, which implies all interactions will be considered. Returns ------- : dict """ return count_interaction_types(self.interactions, must_have_target=must_have_target)
[docs] def add_interactions(self, interactions): """Add one or more :class:`~luna.interaction.type.InteractionType` objects to ``interactions``.""" self._interactions = list(set(self.interactions + list(interactions)))
[docs] def remove_interactions(self, interactions): """Remove one or more :class:`~luna.interaction.type.InteractionType` objects from \ ``interactions``. Any recursive references to the removed objects will also be cleared. """ self._interactions = list(set(self.interactions) - set(interactions)) for inter in interactions: inter.clear_refs()
[docs] def filter_by_types(self, types): """Filter :class:`~luna.interaction.type.InteractionType` objects by their types. Parameters ---------- types : iterable of str A sequence of interaction types. Yields ------ :class:`~luna.interaction.type.InteractionType` """ for inter in self.interactions: if inter.type in types: yield inter
[docs] def filter_out_by_binding_mode(self, binding_modes_filter): """Filter out interactions based on binding modes. **Note:** this method modifies ``interactions``. Parameters ---------- binding_modes_filter : :class:`~luna.interaction.filter.BindingModeFilter` A :class:`~luna.interaction.filter.BindingModeFilter` object that defines binding mode conditions to decide which interactions are valid. Returns ------- : set of :class:`~luna.interaction.type.InteractionType` The interactions that were filtered out. """ inters_to_remove = set() for inter in self.interactions: if not binding_modes_filter.is_valid(inter): inters_to_remove.add(inter) self.remove_interactions(inters_to_remove) return inters_to_remove
[docs] def to_csv(self, output_file): """Write interactions to a comma-separated values (csv) file. Parameters ---------- output_file : str The output CSV file. """ interactions_set = set() for inter in self.interactions: grp1 = ";".join(sorted(["/".join(a.full_atom_name.split("/")) for a in inter.src_grp.atoms])) grp2 = ";".join(sorted(["/".join(a.full_atom_name.split("/")) for a in inter.trgt_grp.atoms])) grp1, grp2 = sorted([grp1, grp2]) interactions_set.add((grp1, grp2, inter.type)) with open(output_file, "w") as OUT: OUT.write("atom_group1,atom_group2,interaction\n") # Sort lines before writing to always keep the same order. OUT.write("\n".join([",".join(k) for k in sorted(interactions_set)]))
[docs] def to_json(self, output_file=None, indent=None): """Write interactions to a_initial_shell_data JSON file. Parameters ---------- output_file : str The output JSON file. indent : int or str, optional Indent level for pretty-printed JSON files. An indent level of 0, negative, or '' only insert newlines. Positive integers indent that many spaces per level. If a string is provided (e.g., '\\\\t'), it will be used to indent each level. The default value is None, which selects the most compact representation. """ with open(output_file, 'w') as OUT: inter_objs = [inter.as_json() for inter in self.interactions] json.dump(inter_objs, OUT, indent=indent)
[docs] def save(self, output_file, compressed=True): """Write the pickled representation of the `InteractionsManager` object to the file ``output_file``. Parameters ---------- output_file : str The output file. compressed : bool, optional If True (the default), compress the pickled representation as a gzip file (.gz). Raises ------- FileNotCreated If the file could not be created. """ pickle_data(self, output_file, compressed)
[docs] @staticmethod def load(input_file): """Load the pickled representation of an `InteractionsManager` object saved at the file ``input_file``. Returns ---------- : `InteractionsManager` The reconstituted `InteractionsManager` object. Raises ------- PKLNotReadError If the file could not be loaded. """ return unpickle_data(input_file)
def __len__(self): # Number of interactions return self.size def __iter__(self): """Iterate over children.""" for inter in self.interactions: yield inter
[docs]class InteractionCalculator: """Calculate interactions. .. note:: This class provides default LUNA methods to calculate interactions. However, one can provide their own methods without modifying this class. In the **Examples** section, we will show how to define custom functions. .. note:: In case you want to disable specific parameters (e.g., angles) used during the calculation of interactions, you do not need to define a custom function for it. You could just delete the parameter from the configuration and LUNA will automatically recognize that a given parameter is not necessary anymore. Check **Examples 3** to see how to do it and how to implement this automatic behavior on your custom functions. Parameters ---------- inter_config : :class:`~luna.interaction.config.InteractionConfig` An :class:`~luna.interaction.config.InteractionConfig` object with all parameters and cutoffs necessary to compute interactions defined in ``inter_funcs``. If not provided, the default LUNA configuration will be used instead \ (:class:`~luna.interaction.config.DefaultInteractionConfig`). inter_filter : :class:`~luna.interaction.filter.InteractionFilter`, optional An :class:`~luna.interaction.filter.InteractionFilter` object to filter out interactions on-the-fly. The default value is None, which implies no interaction will be filtered out. inter_funcs : dict of {tuple : iterable of callable} A dict to define custom functions to calculate interactions, where keys are tuples of feature names (e.g. ``("Hydrophobic", "Hydrophobic")``) and values are lists of references to custom functions (see Examples for more details). If not provided, the default LUNA methods will be used instead. add_non_cov : bool If True (the default), compute non-covalent interactions. If you are providing custom functions to compute non-covalent interactions and want to make them controllable by this flag, make sure to verify the state of ``add_non_cov`` at the beginning of the function and return an empty list in case it is False. add_cov : bool If True (the default), compute covalent interactions. If you are providing custom functions to compute covalent interactions and want to make them controllable by this flag, make sure to verify the state of ``add_cov`` at the beginning of the function and return an empty list in case it is False. add_proximal : bool If True, compute proximal interactions, which are only distance-based contacts between atoms or atom groups that, therefore, only imply proximity. The default value is False. If you are providing custom functions to compute proximal interactions and want to make them controllable by this flag, make sure to verify the state of ``add_proximal`` at the beginning of the function and return an empty list in case it is False. add_atom_atom : bool If True (the default), compute atom-atom interactions, which, as the name suggests, are interactions that only involve atoms no matter their features. If you are providing custom functions to compute atom-atom interactions and want to make them controllable by this flag, make sure to verify the state of ``add_atom_atom`` at the beginning of the function and return an empty list in case it is False. .. note:: In LUNA, we consider the following interactions as atom-atom: `Van der Waals`, `Van der Waals clash`, and `Atom overlap`. We opted to separate `Van der Waals` from other non-covalent interactions because LUNA may generate an unnecessary number of additional interactions that are usually already represented by other non-covalent interactions as weak hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic, or dipole-dipole interactions. Thus, to give users a fine-grain control over which interactions to calculate, we provided this additional flag to turn off the calculation of Van der Waals interactions. add_dependent_inter : bool If True, compute interactions that depend on other interactions. Currently, only water-bridged hydrogen bonds and salt bridges have a dependency on other interactions. The first, depends on two or more hydrogen bonds, while the second depends on an ionic and a hydrogen bond. The default value is False, which implies no dependent interaction will be computed. add_h2o_pairs_with_no_target : bool If True, keep interactions of water with atoms and atom groups that do not belong to the target of LUNA's analysis, which are chains or molecules defined as an :class:`~luna.mol.entry.Entry` instance. For example, if the target is a ligand and ``add_h2o_pairs_with_no_target`` is False, then water-water and water-residue hydrogen bonds will be removed because the ligand is not participating in the interactions. The default value is False. strict_donor_rules : bool If True (the default), hydrogen bonds will only be considered for donor atoms with explicit hydrogens bound to them. In that case, angles and distances will be evaluated. However, if the molecule containing the donor atom is in ``lazy_comps_list``, then angles and hydrogens will be ignored and LUNA will proceed with the determination of hydrogen bonds based only on donor-acceptor distances. Another exception occurs for solvent molecules in which the donor atom is only bound to hydrogens atoms (e.g., water, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide). In that case, hydrogens can be positioned in many different ways by Open Babel, which may cause LUNA to detect different hydrogen bonds at each run. So, to circumvent this problem, by default, LUNA always ignores the explicit hydrogen position for donor atoms that only contain hydrogens bound to it. strict_weak_donor_rules : bool If True (the default), weak hydrogen bonds will only be considered for donor atoms with explicit hydrogens bound to them. In that case, angles and distances will be evaluated. The same exceptions described for ``strict_donor_rules`` apply here. lazy_comps_list : iterable A sequence of molecule names to ignore explicit hydrogen position during the calculation of hydrogen bonds and weak hydrogen bonds. The default list is ['HOH', 'DOD', 'WAT', 'H2O', 'OH2'], which only contains water molecule names, including variations used by different programs. Examples -------- **Example 1) How to define custom interactions:** In this example, we will define a custom function to calculate hydrogen bonds. First, let's start importing the classes and the function we will use. >>> from luna.interaction.type import InteractionType >>> from luna.interaction.calc import InteractionCalculator >>> from luna.util.math import euclidean_distance Now, we define the custom function, which simply calculates hydrogen bonds based on donor-acceptor distances. If it is less than 3.5, then a new :class:`~luna.interaction.type.InteractionType` object is created with type `Hydrogen bond`. .. code-block:: def custom_hbond_function(self, params): if not self.add_non_cov: return [] group1, group2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] cc_dist = euclidean_distance(group1.centroid, group2.centroid) if cc_dist <= 3.5: params = {"dist_hbond_inter": cc_dist} inter = InteractionType(group1, group2, "Hydrogen bond", params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions .. note:: Observe that the function checks if ``add_non_cov`` has been turned off and if so returns an empty list. That's a recommended strategy because it allows one to turn off all non-covalent interactions with a single flag. Also, observe that `InteractionCalculator` always expects functions to return a list at the end. That means multiple interactions may be detected for a single pair of :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects. For example, a donor atom containing 2 hydrogens could, in theory, form two different hydrogen bonds with an acceptor atom. Now, we have two options to set the custom function to an `InteractionCalculator` object: 1) Define a new dict with the custom functions: >>> custom_funcs = {("Donor", "Acceptor"): [custom_hbond_function]} >>> ic = InteractionCalculator(inter_funcs=custom_funcs) 2) Overwrite the default dict in InteractionCalculator: >>> ic = InteractionCalculator() >>> ic.funcs[("Donor", "Acceptor")] = [custom_hbond_function] **Example 2)** How to modify parameters to calculate interactions: If you just want to modify specific values from the default configuration, you can create a new :class:`~luna.interaction.config.DefaultInteractionConfig`, alter parameters, and pass it to `InteractionCalculator`. >>> from luna.interaction.calc import InteractionCalculator >>> from luna.interaction.config import DefaultInteractionConfig >>> custom_config = DefaultInteractionConfig() >>> custom_config.config["min_dha_ang_hb_inter"] = 120 >>> ic = InteractionCalculator(inter_config=custom_config) Alternatively, you can initiate a new `InteractionCalculator` without providing an :class:`~luna.interaction.config.InteractionConfig` object, which will cause `InteractionCalculator` to initiate the default configuration. Then, you can modify it directly as we did before. >>> from luna.interaction.calc import InteractionCalculator >>> ic = InteractionCalculator() >>> print(ic.inter_config["min_dha_ang_hb_inter"]) 90 >>> ic.inter_config["min_dha_ang_hb_inter"] = 120 >>> print(ic.inter_config["min_dha_ang_hb_inter"]) 120 Finally, if you want to define a custom configuration that will be used in your custom functions, you first need to define the parameters as a dict and then initiate a new :class:`~luna.interaction.config.InteractionConfig`. See below: >>> from luna.interaction.config import InteractionConfig >>> config = {"param1": 2.5, "param2": 90} >>> custom_config = InteractionConfig(config) >>> ic = InteractionCalculator(inter_config=custom_config) >>> print(ic.inter_config["param1"]) 2.5 >>> print(ic.inter_config["param2"]) 90 **Example 3)** How to disable specific parameters and how to enable automatic recognition of disabled parameters in custom functions: To automatically disable, for instance, verification of angles during the calculation of interactions using LUNA's default functions, we just need to remove the parameters related to angles from ``inter_config``. Let's see an example where we disable angles from hydrogen bonds: >>> ic = InteractionCalculator() >>> del ic.inter_config["min_dha_ang_hb_inter"] >>> del ic.inter_config["min_har_ang_hb_inter"] >>> del ic.inter_config["min_dar_ang_hb_inter"] This simple behavior is possible thanks to the function `is_within_boundary`, which always returns True if the parameter does not exist in ``inter_config``. Thus, you can take advantage of this system when implementing custom functions so others will also have the possibility to turn off specific parameters without modifying the code directly. Let's see that in practice. First, let's start importing the classes and the function we will use. >>> from luna.interaction.config import InteractionConfig >>> from luna.interaction.type import InteractionType >>> from luna.interaction.calc import InteractionCalculator >>> from luna.util.math import euclidean_distance >>> from operator import le Now, we define a custom function that calculates hydrogen bonds based on donor-acceptor distances only. Observe at line #9 that instead of checking the cutoff directly, we call `is_within_boundary` with the value, parameter, and a comparison function (``le``: less than or equal), which will make it possible to modify or even disable the parameter automatically. .. code-block:: :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 9 def custom_hbond_function(self, params): if not self.add_non_cov: return [] group1, group2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] cc_dist = euclidean_distance(group1.centroid, group2.centroid) if self.is_within_boundary(cc_dist, "max_hb_dist", le): params = {"dist_hbond_inter": cc_dist} inter = InteractionType(group1, group2, "Hydrogen bond", params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions Finally, we are ready to provide the function and custom parameters to `InteractionCalculator`. >>> custom_config = InteractionConfig({"max_hb_dist": 3}) >>> custom_funcs = {("Donor", "Acceptor"): [custom_hbond_function]} >>> ic = InteractionCalculator(inter_funcs=custom_funcs, inter_config=custom_config) By doing so, we can now alter the new parameter or turn it off. >>> ic.inter_config["max_hb_dist"] = 3.5 >>> del ic.inter_config["max_hb_dist"] """ def __init__(self, inter_config=DefaultInteractionConfig(), inter_filter=None, inter_funcs=None, add_non_cov=True, add_cov=True, add_proximal=False, add_atom_atom=True, add_dependent_inter=False, add_h2o_pairs_with_no_target=False, strict_donor_rules=True, strict_weak_donor_rules=True, lazy_comps_list=WATER_NAMES): if inter_config is not None and isinstance(inter_config, InteractionConfig) is False: raise IllegalArgumentError("The informed interaction configuration must be an instance of '%s'." % InteractionConfig) if inter_filter is not None and isinstance(inter_filter, InteractionFilter) is False: raise IllegalArgumentError("The informed interaction filter must be an instance of '%s'." % InteractionFilter) self.inter_config = inter_config self.inter_filter = inter_filter self._inter_funcs = inter_funcs or self._default_functions() self.add_non_cov = add_non_cov self.add_cov = add_cov self.add_proximal = add_proximal self.add_atom_atom = add_atom_atom self.add_dependent_inter = add_dependent_inter self.add_h2o_pairs_with_no_target = add_h2o_pairs_with_no_target self.strict_donor_rules = strict_donor_rules self.strict_weak_donor_rules = strict_weak_donor_rules self.lazy_comps_list = lazy_comps_list or [] @property def funcs(self): """dict: The dict that defines functions to calculate interactions.""" return self._inter_funcs @funcs.setter def funcs(self, funcs): self._inter_funcs = funcs
[docs] def calc_interactions(self, trgt_atm_grps, nb_atm_grps=None): """Calculate interactions established by atoms and atoms groups in ``trgt_atm_grps`` using methods available in ``funcs``. The functions in ``funcs`` are chosen based on the features of each atom or atom group. For example, consider that a pair of :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects have both the features 'Hydrophobic'. Then, `calc_interactions` will call any interaction function defined for the tuple ``("Hydrophobic", "Hydrophobic")`` in ``funcs``. Consider now a pair of :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects whose features are 'Donor' and 'Hydrophobic'. Once again, `calc_interactions` will evaluate if there is any function defined for the tuple ``("Donor", "Hydrophobic")`` (the order does not matter). If there is none, nothing is done and the pair is skipped. Parameters ---------- trgt_atm_grps : iterable of :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` Compute interactions involving these :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects. nb_atm_grps : iterable of :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` If defined, only compute interactions between :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects from ``trgt_atm_grps`` with :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects from ``nb_atm_grps``. If not provided, set ``nb_atm_grps`` to be the same as ``trgt_atm_grps``, which implies that interactions will be calculated using only pairs of :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects from ``trgt_atm_grps``. """ # TODO: Water-bridged interaction with weak hydrogen bond # TODO: threshold for including slightly out of limit interactions. For example, a hydrogen bond not included for 0.01A. # Distances: 0.2 and Angles: 5 # If nb_atm_grps was not informed, it uses the trgt_atm_grps as the neighbors. # In this case, the interactions will be target x target. nb_comp_grps = nb_atm_grps or trgt_atm_grps # Define the scope of the neighborhood search. ss = AtomGroupNeighborhood(nb_comp_grps, 10) computed_pairs = set() all_interactions = [] boundary_cutoff = self.inter_config.get("boundary_cutoff", BOUNDARY_CONFIG["boundary_cutoff"]) for trgt_atm_grp in trgt_atm_grps: for nb_atm_grp in, boundary_cutoff): # It will always ignore interactions involving the same atom groups. # Loops in the graph is not permitted and does not make any sense. if trgt_atm_grp == nb_atm_grp: continue # If the pair has already been calculated. if (trgt_atm_grp, nb_atm_grp) in computed_pairs or (nb_atm_grp, trgt_atm_grp) in computed_pairs: continue # If no filter was informed, it will accept everything. if self.inter_filter is not None and not self.inter_filter.is_valid_pair(trgt_atm_grp, nb_atm_grp): continue computed_pairs.add((trgt_atm_grp, nb_atm_grp)) feat_pairs = list(product(trgt_atm_grp.features, nb_atm_grp.features)) feat_pairs = filter(lambda x: self.is_feature_pair_valid(*x), feat_pairs) # If the groups belongs to the same molecule (intramolecule interaction). is_intramol_inter = self._is_intramol_inter(trgt_atm_grp, nb_atm_grp) shortest_path_length = None for pair in feat_pairs: # It will ignore interactions for atoms in the same molecule that are separated from each other by only N bonds. # Covalent bonds keep atoms very tightly, producing distances lower than their sum of Van der Waals radius. # As a consequence the algorithm will find a lot of false interactions. # # But, it will never skip pairs of Atom features because they are used to calculate covalent interactions. if pair[0].name != "Atom" and pair[1].name != "Atom" and is_intramol_inter: # Compute the shortest path only once. The reason not to precompute it outside the For is to avoid computing # the algorithm for groups containing only Atom features. if shortest_path_length is None: # By providing a cutoff, it will force the algorithm to return paths only for groups connected by # less than or equal N paths. So, if two groups return INF, it means they are a valid combination as they # match the minimum bond separation. cutoff = self.inter_config.get("min_bond_separation", 0) shortest_path_length = trgt_atm_grp.get_shortest_path_length(nb_atm_grp, cutoff) # If get_shortest_path_length() returns any value that is not infinite (INF), it means these two groups # contain a path with at less than or equal to the cutoff 'min_bond_separation'. Therefore, ignore them. if shortest_path_length != float('inf'): continue calc_inter_params = (trgt_atm_grp, nb_atm_grp) + pair interactions = self._resolve_interactions(*calc_inter_params) all_interactions.extend(interactions) if self.add_dependent_inter: dependent_interactions = self.find_dependent_interactions(all_interactions) all_interactions.extend(dependent_interactions) # Get only unique interactions. all_interactions = set(all_interactions) # Remove potential inconsistences. For example: a hydrogen bond and an unfavorable interation between the same atoms. self.remove_inconsistencies(all_interactions) if not self.add_h2o_pairs_with_no_target: self.remove_h2o_pairs_with_no_target(all_interactions) logger.debug("Number of potential interactions found: %d" % len(all_interactions)) return InteractionsManager(all_interactions)
def _resolve_interactions(self, group1, group2, feat1, feat2): funcs = self.get_functions(, if len(funcs) == 0: raise IllegalArgumentError("It does not exist a corresponding function to the features: '%s' and '%s'." % (feat1, feat2)) interactions = [] for func in funcs: result = func(self, (group1, group2, feat1, feat2)) or [] interactions.extend(result) return interactions
[docs] def find_dependent_interactions(self, interactions): """ Compute interactions that depend on other interactions. Currently, only water-bridged hydrogen bonds and salt bridges have a dependency on other interactions. The first, depends on two or more hydrogen bonds, while the second depends on an ionic and a hydrogen bond. The default value is False, which implies no dependent interaction will be computed. Parameters ---------- interactions : :class:`~luna.interaction.type.InteractionType` Use these interactions to compute dependent interactions. """ hbond_set = set() ionic_set = set() h2o_pairs = defaultdict(dict) dependent_interactions = set() # Save all hydrogen bonds involving waters and ionic interactions. for inter in interactions: if inter.type == "Hydrogen bond": comp1 = next(iter(inter.src_grp.compounds)) comp2 = next(iter(inter.trgt_grp.compounds)) if comp1.is_water(): h2o_key = inter.src_grp secondKey = inter.trgt_grp if secondKey not in h2o_pairs[h2o_key]: h2o_pairs[h2o_key][secondKey] = inter if comp2.is_water(): h2o_key = inter.trgt_grp secondKey = inter.src_grp if secondKey not in h2o_pairs[h2o_key]: h2o_pairs[h2o_key][secondKey] = inter hbond_set.add(inter) elif inter.type == "Ionic": ionic_set.add(inter) for h2o_key in h2o_pairs: pairs = combinations(h2o_pairs[h2o_key].keys(), 2) for src_grp, trgt_grp in pairs: # It ignores intramolecular interactions. if self._is_intramol_inter(src_grp, trgt_grp): pass comp1 = next(iter(src_grp.compounds)) comp2 = next(iter(trgt_grp.compounds)) if isinstance(self.inter_filter, InteractionFilter): if not self.inter_filter.is_valid_pair(src_grp, trgt_grp): continue params = {"depends_on": [h2o_pairs[h2o_key][src_grp], h2o_pairs[h2o_key][trgt_grp]]} inter = InteractionType(src_grp, trgt_grp, "Water-bridged hydrogen bond", directional=True, params=params) dependent_interactions.add(inter) # It will try to match Hydrogen bonds and Ionic interactions involving the same chemical # groups to attribute salt bridges. sb_groups = set() for hbond, ionic in product(hbond_set, ionic_set): condA = (ionic.src_grp.has_atom(hbond.src_grp.atoms[0]) and ionic.trgt_grp.has_atom(hbond.trgt_grp.atoms[0])) condB = (ionic.src_grp.has_atom(hbond.trgt_grp.atoms[0]) and ionic.trgt_grp.has_atom(hbond.src_grp.atoms[0])) # If an acceptor atom belongs to a negative group, and the donor to a positive group # (and vice-versa), it means that the interaction occurs between the same meioties. # However, just one condition should occur. For example, it is not possible that an acceptor # atom belongs to a negative and positive group at the same time. if condA ^ condB: key1 = (ionic.src_grp, ionic.trgt_grp) key2 = (ionic.trgt_grp, ionic.src_grp) if key1 in sb_groups or key2 in sb_groups: continue if isinstance(self.inter_filter, InteractionFilter): if not self.inter_filter.is_valid_pair(ionic.src_grp, ionic.trgt_grp): continue sb_groups.add(key1) params = {"depends_on": [hbond, ionic]} inter = InteractionType(ionic.src_grp, ionic.trgt_grp, "Salt bridge", params=params) dependent_interactions.add(inter) return dependent_interactions
[docs] def remove_inconsistencies(self, interactions): """Remove conflicts between interactions in ``interactions``. .. note:: By default, LUNA defines conflicts as any unfavorable dipole interaction involving an atom establishing a hydrogen bond. Due to the strength of a hydrogen bond, atoms may approximate more to each other, which sometimes may cause unfavorable interactions involving dipoles to be detected. To avoid such conflicts, LUNA removes the unfavorable interactions. Also, it may occur that unfavorable dipole interactions are detected for amide-aromatic stackings, in which the aromatic ring contains heteroatoms. To avoid such conflicts, LUNA also removes those unfavorable interactions. Parameters ---------- interactions : :class:`~luna.interaction.type.InteractionType` """ amide_inconsistences = defaultdict(list) hbond_inconsistences = defaultdict(list) for inter in interactions: if inter.type == "Unfavorable nucleophile-nucleophile": # A nucleophile may have only 1 atom (water oxygen). atm1 = inter.src_grp.atoms[0] # If a nucleophile has 2 atoms, it will select the partially negative atom based on the electronegativity. if len(inter.src_grp.atoms) == 2: atm1 = inter.src_grp.atoms[0] if (inter.src_grp.atoms[0].electronegativity > inter.src_grp.atoms[1].electronegativity) else inter.src_grp.atoms[1] # A nucleophile may have only 1 atom (water oxygen). atm2 = inter.trgt_grp.atoms[0] # If a nucleophile has 2 atoms, it will select the partially negative atom based on the electronegativity. if len(inter.trgt_grp.atoms) == 2: atm2 = inter.trgt_grp.atoms[0] if (inter.trgt_grp.atoms[0].electronegativity > inter.trgt_grp.atoms[1].electronegativity) else inter.trgt_grp.atoms[1] key = (atm1, atm2) if (atm2, atm1) in hbond_inconsistences: key = (atm2, atm1) hbond_inconsistences[key].append(inter) elif inter.type == "Unfavorable anion-nucleophile": nucl_grp = inter.src_grp if any([ == "Nucleophile" for f in inter.src_grp.features]) else inter.trgt_grp # A nucleophile may have only 1 atom (water oxygen). nucl_atm = nucl_grp.atoms[0] # If a nucleophile has 2 atoms, it will select the partially negative atom based on the electronegativity. if len(nucl_grp.atoms) == 2: nucl_atm = nucl_grp.atoms[0] if (nucl_grp.atoms[0].electronegativity > nucl_grp.atoms[1].electronegativity) else nucl_grp.atoms[1] anion_grp = inter.get_partner(nucl_grp) for anion_atm in anion_grp.atoms: key = (nucl_atm, anion_atm) if (anion_atm, nucl_atm) in hbond_inconsistences: key = (anion_atm, nucl_atm) hbond_inconsistences[key].append(inter) elif inter.type == "Hydrogen bond": # Acceptor and donor atoms always have only one atom. atm1, atm2 = (inter.src_grp.atoms[0], inter.trgt_grp.atoms[0]) key = (atm1, atm2) if (atm2, atm1) in hbond_inconsistences: key = (atm2, atm1) hbond_inconsistences[key].append(inter) elif inter.type == "Amide-aromatic stacking": amide_grp = inter.src_grp if any([ == "Amide" for f in inter.src_grp.features]) else inter.trgt_grp arom_grp = inter.get_partner(amide_grp) for amide_atm in amide_grp.atoms: amide_inconsistences[(amide_atm, arom_grp)].append(inter) elif inter.type == "Unfavorable cation-electrophile": elect_grp = inter.src_grp if any([ == "Nucleophile" for f in inter.src_grp.features]) else inter.trgt_grp # A nucleophile may have only 1 atom (water oxygen). elect_atm = elect_grp.atoms[0] # If a nucleophile has 2 atoms, it will select the partially negative atom based on the electronegativity. if len(elect_grp.atoms) == 2: elect_atm = elect_grp.atoms[0] if (elect_grp.atoms[0].electronegativity > elect_grp.atoms[1].electronegativity) else elect_grp.atoms[1] cation_grp = inter.get_partner(elect_grp) amide_inconsistences[(elect_atm, cation_grp)].append(inter) inconsistencies = set() for (atm1, atm2), inters in hbond_inconsistences.items(): if len(inters) > 1 and any([i.type == "Hydrogen bond" for i in inters]): inconsistencies.update([i for i in inters if i.type != "Hydrogen bond"]) for (amide_atm, arom_grp), inters in amide_inconsistences.items(): if len(inters) > 1: inconsistencies.update([i for i in inters if i.type != "Amide-aromatic stacking"]) interactions -= inconsistencies # Clear the references of each interaction from the AtomGroup objects. for inter in inconsistencies: inter.clear_refs()
[docs] def remove_h2o_pairs_with_no_target(self, interactions): """Remove interactions of water with atoms and atom groups that do not belong to the target of LUNA's analysis, which are chains or molecules defined as an :class:`~luna.mol.entry.Entry` instance. Parameters ---------- interactions : :class:`~luna.interaction.type.InteractionType` """ valid_h2o_set = set() invalid_inters = defaultdict(set) for inter in interactions: if inter.src_grp.is_water() and not inter.trgt_grp.has_target() and inter.src_grp not in valid_h2o_set: invalid_inters[inter.src_grp].add(inter) elif inter.trgt_grp.is_water() and not inter.src_grp.has_target() and inter.trgt_grp not in valid_h2o_set: invalid_inters[inter.trgt_grp].add(inter) else: if inter.src_grp.is_water() and inter.trgt_grp.has_target(): valid_h2o_set.add(inter.src_grp) if inter.src_grp in invalid_inters: del invalid_inters[inter.src_grp] if inter.trgt_grp.is_water() and inter.src_grp.has_target(): valid_h2o_set.add(inter.trgt_grp) if inter.trgt_grp in invalid_inters: del invalid_inters[inter.trgt_grp] inters_to_remove = set([i for k in invalid_inters for i in invalid_inters[k]]) interactions -= inters_to_remove # Clear the references of each interaction from the AtomGroup objects. for inter in inters_to_remove: inter.clear_refs()
def _default_functions(self): return { # Hydrophobic interaction ("Hydrophobic", "Hydrophobic"): [self.calc_hydrop], ("Hydrophobe", "Hydrophobe"): [self.calc_hydrop], # Hydrogen bond ("Donor", "Acceptor"): [self.calc_hbond], # Weak hydrogen bond ("WeakDonor", "Acceptor"): [self.calc_weak_hbond], ("WeakDonor", "WeakAcceptor"): [self.calc_weak_hbond], ("Donor", "Aromatic"): [self.calc_hbond_pi], ("WeakDonor", "Aromatic"): [self.calc_hbond_pi], # Halogen bond ("HalogenDonor", "Acceptor"): [self.calc_xbond], ("HalogenDonor", "Aromatic"): [self.calc_xbond_pi], # Chalcogen bond ("ChalcogenDonor", "Acceptor"): [self.calc_chalc_bond], ("ChalcogenDonor", "WeakAcceptor"): [self.calc_chalc_bond], ("ChalcogenDonor", "Aromatic"): [self.calc_chalc_bond_pi], # Stackings ("Aromatic", "Aromatic"): [self.calc_pi_pi], ("Amide", "Aromatic"): [self.calc_amide_pi], ("Positive", "Aromatic"): [self.calc_cation_pi], ("PosIonizable", "Aromatic"): [self.calc_cation_pi], ("PositivelyIonizable", "Aromatic"): [self.calc_cation_pi], # Ionic interaction ("NegativelyIonizable", "PositivelyIonizable"): [self.calc_ionic], ("NegIonizable", "PosIonizable"): [self.calc_ionic], ("Negative", "Positive"): [self.calc_ionic], # Repulsive interaction ("NegativelyIonizable", "NegativelyIonizable"): [self.calc_repulsive], ("PositivelyIonizable", "PositivelyIonizable"): [self.calc_repulsive], ("NegIonizable", "NegIonizable"): [self.calc_repulsive], ("PosIonizable", "PosIonizable"): [self.calc_repulsive], ("Negative", "Negative"): [self.calc_repulsive], ("Positive", "Positive"): [self.calc_repulsive], # Favorable multipolar interactions. ("Nucleophile", "Electrophile"): [self.calc_multipolar], # Unfavorable multipolar interactions. ("Nucleophile", "Nucleophile"): [self.calc_multipolar], ("Electrophile", "Electrophile"): [self.calc_multipolar], # Favorable ion-dipole interactions ("Nucleophile", "PositivelyIonizable"): [self.calc_ion_multipole], ("Nucleophile", "PosIonizable"): [self.calc_ion_multipole], ("Nucleophile", "Positive"): [self.calc_ion_multipole], ("Electrophile", "NegativelyIonizable"): [self.calc_ion_multipole], ("Electrophile", "NegIonizable"): [self.calc_ion_multipole], ("Electrophile", "Negative"): [self.calc_ion_multipole], # Unfavorable ion-dipole interactions ("Nucleophile", "NegativelyIonizable"): [self.calc_ion_multipole], ("Nucleophile", "NegIonizable"): [self.calc_ion_multipole], ("Nucleophile", "Negative"): [self.calc_ion_multipole], ("Electrophile", "PositivelyIonizable"): [self.calc_ion_multipole], ("Electrophile", "PosIonizable"): [self.calc_ion_multipole], ("Electrophile", "Positive"): [self.calc_ion_multipole], # Proximal, covalent, vdw, clash ("Atom", "Atom"): [self.calc_atom_atom, self.calc_proximal] } # TODO: Incluir: # Anion - pi system # disulfide bond # Weak donor - weak acceptor # Agostic and Hydrogen-Bonding X–H· · · M # agnostic, anagostic # Metalic complex # REF: # aromatic between hbond arrays
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_cation_pi(self, params): """Default method to calculate cation-pi interactions. Parameters ---------- params : tuple of (:class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`) The tuple follows the order (:math:`A`, :math:`B`, :math:`A_f`, :math:`B_f`), where :math:`A` and :math:`B` are two :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects, and :math:`A_f` and :math:`B_f` are their features (:class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` objects), respectively. Returns ------- : list """ if not self.add_non_cov: return [] group1, group2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] cc_dist = im.euclidean_distance(group1.centroid, group2.centroid) if (self.is_within_boundary(cc_dist, "boundary_cutoff", le) and self.is_within_boundary(cc_dist, "max_dist_cation_pi_inter", le)): params = {"dist_cation_pi_inter": cc_dist} inter = InteractionType(group1, group2, "Cation-pi", params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_pi_pi(self, params): """Default method to calculate aromatic stackings. Parameters ---------- params : tuple of (:class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`) The tuple follows the order (:math:`A`, :math:`B`, :math:`A_f`, :math:`B_f`), where :math:`A` and :math:`B` are two :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects, and :math:`A_f` and :math:`B_f` are their features (:class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` objects), respectively. Returns ------- : list """ if not self.add_non_cov: return [] ring1, ring2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] cc_dist = im.euclidean_distance(ring1.centroid, ring2.centroid) if (self.is_within_boundary(cc_dist, "boundary_cutoff", le) and self.is_within_boundary(cc_dist, "max_cc_dist_pi_pi_inter", le)): dihedral_angle = im.to_quad1(im.angle(ring1.normal, ring2.normal)) min_disp_angle = float("Inf") for r1, r2 in [(ring1, ring2), (ring2, ring1)]: cc_vect = r2.centroid - r1.centroid disp_angle = im.to_quad1(im.angle(r1.normal, cc_vect)) if disp_angle < min_disp_angle: ring1, ring2 = r1, r2 min_disp_angle = disp_angle criteria = ["min_dihed_ang_slope_pi_pi_inter", "max_dihed_ang_slope_pi_pi_inter", "min_disp_ang_offset_pi_pi_inter", "max_disp_ang_offset_pi_pi_inter"] # If the angle criterion were not defined, a specific Pi-stacking definition is not possible as it depends on # angle criterion. Therefore, a more general classification is used instead, i.e., all interactions will be Pi-stacking. if any([c not in self.inter_config for c in criteria]): inter_type = "Pi-stacking" elif self.is_within_boundary(min_disp_angle, "min_disp_ang_offset_pi_pi_inter", le): if self.is_within_boundary(dihedral_angle, "min_dihed_ang_slope_pi_pi_inter", le): inter_type = "Face-to-face pi-stacking" elif self.is_within_boundary(dihedral_angle, "max_dihed_ang_slope_pi_pi_inter", ge): inter_type = "Face-to-edge pi-stacking" else: inter_type = "Face-to-slope pi-stacking" elif self.is_within_boundary(min_disp_angle, "max_disp_ang_offset_pi_pi_inter", ge): if self.is_within_boundary(dihedral_angle, "min_dihed_ang_slope_pi_pi_inter", le): inter_type = "Edge-to-edge pi-stacking" elif self.is_within_boundary(dihedral_angle, "max_dihed_ang_slope_pi_pi_inter", ge): inter_type = "Edge-to-face pi-stacking" else: inter_type = "Edge-to-slope pi-stacking" else: if self.is_within_boundary(dihedral_angle, "min_dihed_ang_slope_pi_pi_inter", le): inter_type = "Displaced face-to-face pi-stacking" elif self.is_within_boundary(dihedral_angle, "max_dihed_ang_slope_pi_pi_inter", ge): inter_type = "Displaced face-to-edge pi-stacking" else: inter_type = "Displaced face-to-slope pi-stacking" params = {"cc_dist_pi_pi_inter": cc_dist, "dihed_ang_pi_pi_inter": dihedral_angle, "disp_ang_pi_pi_inter": min_disp_angle} inter = InteractionType(ring1, ring2, inter_type, directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_amide_pi(self, params): """Default method to calculate amide-pi stackings. Parameters ---------- params : tuple of (:class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`) The tuple follows the order (:math:`A`, :math:`B`, :math:`A_f`, :math:`B_f`), where :math:`A` and :math:`B` are two :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects, and :math:`A_f` and :math:`B_f` are their features (:class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` objects), respectively. Returns ------- : list """ if not self.add_non_cov: return [] group1, group2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] if == "Aromatic" and == "Amide": ring_grp = group1 amide_grp = group2 elif == "Aromatic" and == "Amide": ring_grp = group2 amide_grp = group1 else: logger.warning("Amide-aromatic interactions require an aromatic and an amide group. However, the informed " "groups have the features %s and %s." % (group1.feature_names, group2.feature_names)) return [] # Distance between the amide and ring centroids. cc_dist = im.euclidean_distance(ring_grp.centroid, amide_grp.centroid) if (self.is_within_boundary(cc_dist, "boundary_cutoff", le) and self.is_within_boundary(cc_dist, "max_cc_dist_amide_pi_inter", le)): dihedral_angle = im.to_quad1(im.angle(ring_grp.normal, amide_grp.normal)) cc_vect = amide_grp.centroid - ring_grp.centroid disp_angle = im.to_quad1(im.angle(ring_grp.normal, cc_vect)) if (self.is_within_boundary(dihedral_angle, "max_dihed_ang_amide_pi_inter", le) and self.is_within_boundary(disp_angle, "max_disp_ang_pi_pi_inter", le)): params = {"cc_dist_amide_pi_inter": cc_dist, "dihed_ang_amide_pi_inter": dihedral_angle, "disp_ang_amide_pi_inter": disp_angle} inter = InteractionType(group1, group2, "Amide-aromatic stacking", params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_hydrop(self, params): """Default method to calculate hydrophobic interactons. Parameters ---------- params : tuple of (:class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`) The tuple follows the order (:math:`A`, :math:`B`, :math:`A_f`, :math:`B_f`), where :math:`A` and :math:`B` are two :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects, and :math:`A_f` and :math:`B_f` are their features (:class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` objects), respectively. Returns ------- : list """ if not self.add_non_cov: return [] group1, group2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] if (( != "Hydrophobic" and != "Hydrophobe") or ( != "Hydrophobic" and != "Hydrophobe")): logger.warning("Hydrophobic interactions require hydrophobic atoms or hydrophobes (group of hydrophobic atoms). " "However, the informed groups have the features %s and %s." % (group1.feature_names, group2.feature_names)) return [] # Check if the interaction involves the same compound. For these cases, we ignore hydrophobic interactions. if self._is_intramol_inter(group1, group2): return [] # Verify if the groups contain the required number of atoms to form a valid surface. if (not self.is_within_boundary(len(group1.atoms), "min_surf_size", ge) or not self.is_within_boundary(len(group2.atoms), "min_surf_size", ge)): return [] interacting_atms_in_surf1 = set() interacting_atms_in_surf2 = set() min_cc_dist = float('Inf') for atm1, atm2 in product(group1.atoms, group2.atoms): cc_dist = atm1 - atm2 if self.is_within_boundary(cc_dist, "max_dist_hydrop_inter", le): interacting_atms_in_surf1.add(atm1) interacting_atms_in_surf2.add(atm2) if cc_dist < min_cc_dist: min_cc_dist = cc_dist # Verify if the number of interacting atoms attends the required number of interating atoms per surface. if (not self.is_within_boundary(len(interacting_atms_in_surf1), "min_inter_atom_in_surf", ge) or not self.is_within_boundary(len(interacting_atms_in_surf2), "min_inter_atom_in_surf", ge)): return [] if (self.is_within_boundary(min_cc_dist, "boundary_cutoff", le) and self.is_within_boundary(min_cc_dist, "max_dist_hydrop_inter", le)): params = {"dist_hydrop_inter": min_cc_dist} inter = InteractionType(group1, group2, "Hydrophobic", params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_ion_multipole(self, params): """Default method to calculate favorable and unfavorable ion-dipole interactions. Parameters ---------- params : tuple of (:class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`) The tuple follows the order (:math:`A`, :math:`B`, :math:`A_f`, :math:`B_f`), where :math:`A` and :math:`B` are two :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects, and :math:`A_f` and :math:`B_f` are their features (:class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` objects), respectively. Returns ------- : list """ if not self.add_non_cov: return [] group1, group2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] # Favorable cation-nucleophile interaction if == "Nucleophile" and in CATIONS: dipole_grp, dipole_type = group1, "Nucleophile" ion_grp, ion_type = group2, "Cation" elif in CATIONS and == "Nucleophile": dipole_grp, dipole_type = group2, "Nucleophile" ion_grp, ion_type = group1, "Cation" # Favorable anion-electrophile interaction elif == "Electrophile" and in ANIONS: dipole_grp, dipole_type = group1, "Electrophile" ion_grp, ion_type = group2, "Anion" elif in ANIONS and == "Electrophile": dipole_grp, dipole_type = group2, "Electrophile" ion_grp, ion_type = group1, "Anion" # Unfavorable anion-nucleophile interaction elif == "Nucleophile" and in ANIONS: dipole_grp, dipole_type = group1, "Nucleophile" ion_grp, ion_type = group2, "Anion" elif in ANIONS and == "Nucleophile": dipole_grp, dipole_type = group2, "Nucleophile" ion_grp, ion_type = group1, "Anion" # Unfavorable cation-electrophile interaction elif == "Electrophile" and in CATIONS: dipole_grp, dipole_type = group1, "Electrophile" ion_grp, ion_type = group2, "Cation" elif in CATIONS and == "Electrophile": dipole_grp, dipole_type = group2, "Electrophile" ion_grp, ion_type = group1, "Cation" else: logger.warning("Ion-dipole interactions require a dipole and an ion group. However, the informed groups " "have the features %s and %s." % (group1.feature_names, group2.feature_names)) return [] # A nucleophile may have only 1 atom (water oxygen). part_charged_atm = dipole_grp.atoms[0] # If a nucleophile has 2 atoms, it will select the partially negative atom based on the electronegativity. if len(dipole_grp.atoms) == 2 and dipole_type == "Nucleophile": part_charged_atm = dipole_grp.atoms[0] if (dipole_grp.atoms[0].electronegativity > dipole_grp.atoms[1].electronegativity) else dipole_grp.atoms[1] # If an electrophile has two atoms. It will select the partially negative atom based on the electronegativity. elif len(dipole_grp.atoms) == 2 and dipole_type == "Electrophile": part_charged_atm = dipole_grp.atoms[0] if (dipole_grp.atoms[0].electronegativity < dipole_grp.atoms[1].electronegativity) else dipole_grp.atoms[1] # Distance between the ion and the dipole. id_dist = im.euclidean_distance(part_charged_atm.coord, ion_grp.centroid) if (self.is_within_boundary(id_dist, "boundary_cutoff", le) and self.is_within_boundary(id_dist, "max_id_dist_ion_multipole_inter", le)): idy_angle = -1 if len(dipole_grp.atoms) == 2: # Model: I ... D-Y, where I is the ion, D the dipole atom of interest (the electrophile or nucleophile), # and Y is its counterpart. y_atm = dipole_grp.atoms[1] if dipole_grp.atoms[0] == part_charged_atm else dipole_grp.atoms[0] di_vect = ion_grp.centroid - part_charged_atm.coord dy_vect = y_atm.coord - part_charged_atm.coord idy_angle = im.angle(di_vect, dy_vect) # Dipoles containing only one atom are allowed to pass without checking the angle IDY. if len(dipole_grp.atoms) == 1 or self.is_within_boundary(idy_angle, "min_idy_ang_ion_multipole_inter", ge): dipole_nb_coords = [nbi.coord for nbi in part_charged_atm.neighbors_info if nbi.atomic_num != 1] params = {} if len(dipole_nb_coords) > 1: dipole_normal = im.calc_normal(dipole_nb_coords + [part_charged_atm.coord]) disp_angle = im.to_quad1(im.angle(dipole_normal, di_vect)) if self.is_within_boundary(disp_angle, "max_disp_ang_ion_multipole_inter", le): params = {"id_dist_ion_multipole_inter": id_dist, "idy_ang_ion_multipole_inter": idy_angle, "disp_ang_ion_multipole_inter": disp_angle} else: params = {"id_dist_ion_multipole_inter": id_dist, "idy_ang_ion_multipole_inter": idy_angle, "disp_ang_ion_multipole_inter": -1} if params: if dipole_type == "Nucleophile" and ion_type == "Cation": inter = InteractionType(dipole_grp, ion_grp, "Cation-nucleophile", params=params) interactions.append(inter) elif dipole_type == "Nucleophile" and ion_type == "Anion": inter = InteractionType(dipole_grp, ion_grp, "Unfavorable anion-nucleophile", params=params) interactions.append(inter) elif dipole_type == "Electrophile" and ion_type == "Anion": inter = InteractionType(ion_grp, dipole_grp, "Anion-electrophile", params=params) interactions.append(inter) elif dipole_type == "Electrophile" and ion_type == "Cation": inter = InteractionType(ion_grp, dipole_grp, "Unfavorable cation-electrophile", params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_multipolar(self, params): """Default method to calculate favorable and unfavorable dipole-dipole interactions. Parameters ---------- params : tuple of (:class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`) The tuple follows the order (:math:`A`, :math:`B`, :math:`A_f`, :math:`B_f`), where :math:`A` and :math:`B` are two :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects, and :math:`A_f` and :math:`B_f` are their features (:class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` objects), respectively. Returns ------- : list """ if not self.add_non_cov: return [] group1, group2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] if len(group1.atoms) != 1 and len(group1.atoms) != 2 and len(group2.atoms) != 1 and len(group2.atoms) != 2: logger.warning("A dipole group should have 1 (for cases when the atom has only hydrogens bonded to it) or 2 atoms. " "However, the informed groups '%s' and '%s' have %d and %d atoms, respectively." % (group1, group2, len(group1.atoms), len(group2.atoms))) return [] # The reference dipole will always be the second one, i.e., one of its atom will be the center in the angle NEY. # # Favorable interactions: in these cases, the Dipole 1 will always be the nucleophile and the Dipole 2 the # electrophile in order to represent the nucleophile atack, i.e., the angles calculated using the dipole 2 as reference # represents how the nucleophile aproximate the electrophile. if == "Nucleophile" and == "Electrophile": dipole_grp1, dipole_type1 = group1, dipole_grp2, dipole_type2 = group2, elif == "Nucleophile" and == "Electrophile": dipole_grp1, dipole_type1 = group2, dipole_grp2, dipole_type2 = group1, # Unfavorable interactions: in these cases, the reference dipole will depend on the number of atoms in the dipoles. # With dipoles containing 1 atom, it takes a generous approach by ignoring angles and accepting everything. # With dipoles containing two atoms, it requires that at least one of the angles fits the rules to be accepted. elif == and ( == "Nucleophile" or == "Electrophile"): # If only one group contains 1 atom, use it as the dipole 2 because it is used as the reference to calculate # the NEY angle. Since we take a generous approach, with one atom no angle will be calculated and the interaction # will be accepted. if len(group1.atoms) == 1 and len(group2.atoms) == 2: dipole_grp1, dipole_type1 = group2, dipole_grp2, dipole_type2 = group1, # All the other number combinations ([2,1], [1,1], [2, 2]) come here. else: dipole_grp1, dipole_type1 = group1, dipole_grp2, dipole_type2 = group2, else: logger.warning("Multipolar interactions require a nucleophile and an electrophile group. " "However, the informed groups have the features %s and %s." % (group1.feature_names, group2.feature_names)) return [] # Ignore dipoles containing at least one common atom, which can happen to covalently bound dipoles. # An example of it is the C-S-C substructure that contains two dipoles. if any(atm in group2.atoms for atm in group1.atoms): return [] # Atom 1 => Dipole 1 # # A nucleophile may have only 1 atom (water oxygen). dipole_atm1 = dipole_grp1.atoms[0] # If it has 2 atoms, it will select the nucleophilic atom based on the electronegativity. if len(dipole_grp1.atoms) == 2 and dipole_type1 == "Nucleophile": dipole_atm1 = dipole_grp1.atoms[0] if (dipole_grp1.atoms[0].electronegativity > dipole_grp1.atoms[1].electronegativity) else dipole_grp1.atoms[1] # Or, it will select the nucleophilic atom based on the electronegativity. elif len(dipole_grp1.atoms) == 2 and dipole_type1 == "Electrophile": dipole_atm1 = dipole_grp1.atoms[0] if (dipole_grp1.atoms[0].electronegativity < dipole_grp1.atoms[1].electronegativity) else dipole_grp1.atoms[1] # Atom 2 => Dipole 2 # # An electrophile may have only 1 atom. E.g.: NH4, although by default we consider it as an ion. dipole_atm2 = dipole_grp2.atoms[0] # If it has 2 atoms, it will select the nucleophilic atom based on the electronegativity. if len(dipole_grp2.atoms) == 2 and dipole_type2 == "Nucleophile": dipole_atm2 = dipole_grp2.atoms[0] if (dipole_grp2.atoms[0].electronegativity > dipole_grp2.atoms[1].electronegativity) else dipole_grp2.atoms[1] # Or, it will select the nucleophilic atom based on the electronegativity. elif len(dipole_grp2.atoms) == 2 and dipole_type2 == "Electrophile": dipole_atm2 = dipole_grp2.atoms[0] if (dipole_grp2.atoms[0].electronegativity < dipole_grp2.atoms[1].electronegativity) else dipole_grp2.atoms[1] # Model for favorable interactions: A-N ... E-Y # Model for unfavorable interactions: A-N ... N-A, Y-E ... E-Y. # # Although there are two different models for unfavorable interactions, the method for them are equal to the # favorable interaction. So, from now on, we will deal with them as if it was the first model. # # Distance between the nucleophile and electrophile. ne_dist = im.euclidean_distance(dipole_atm1.coord, dipole_atm2.coord) if (self.is_within_boundary(ne_dist, "boundary_cutoff", le) and self.is_within_boundary(ne_dist, "max_ne_dist_multipolar_inter", le)): # No angle can be calculated if the electrophile (dipole 2) has only one atom. if len(dipole_grp2.atoms) == 1: params = {"ne_dist_multipolar_inter": ne_dist, "ney_ang_multipolar_inter": -1, "disp_ang_multipolar_inter": -1, "an_ey_ang_multipolar_inter": -1} inter_type = ("Multipolar" if not dipole_type1 == dipole_type2 else "Unfavorable %s-%s" % (dipole_type1.lower(), dipole_type2.lower())) inter = InteractionType(dipole_grp1, dipole_grp2, inter_type, directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) else: dipole1 = (dipole_grp1, dipole_atm1, dipole_type1) dipole2 = (dipole_grp2, dipole_atm2, dipole_type2) combinations = [(dipole1, dipole2)] # For unfavorable interactions, it is necessary to evaluate each combination of dipoles. So, it can # produce two interactions. if == combinations = [(dipole1, dipole2), (dipole2, dipole1)] for d1, d2 in combinations: dipole_grp1, dipole_atm1, dipole_type1 = d1 dipole_grp2, dipole_atm2, dipole_type2 = d2 # Model: A-N ... E-Y y_atm = dipole_grp2.atoms[1] if dipole_grp2.atoms[0] == dipole_atm2 else dipole_grp2.atoms[0] en_vect = dipole_atm1.coord - dipole_atm2.coord ey_vect = y_atm.coord - dipole_atm2.coord ney_angle = im.angle(en_vect, ey_vect) if (self.is_within_boundary(ney_angle, "min_ney_ang_multipolar_inter", ge) and self.is_within_boundary(ney_angle, "max_ney_ang_multipolar_inter", le)): elect_nb_coords = [nbi.coord for nbi in dipole_atm2.neighbors_info if nbi.atomic_num != 1] elect_normal = im.calc_normal(elect_nb_coords + [dipole_atm2.coord]) disp_angle = im.to_quad1(im.angle(elect_normal, en_vect)) if self.is_within_boundary(disp_angle, "max_disp_ang_multipolar_inter", le): # If the nucleophile has two atoms, then we will be able to calculate the angle between the vectors AN and EY. # This angle is necessary to define the orientation of the dipole. if len(dipole_grp1.atoms) == 2: # Model: A-N ... E-Y a_atm = dipole_grp1.atoms[1] if dipole_grp1.atoms[0] == dipole_atm1 else dipole_grp1.atoms[0] an_vect = dipole_atm1.coord - a_atm.coord # Angle between vectors AN and EY an_ey_vect_angle = im.angle(an_vect, ey_vect) params = {"ne_dist_multipolar_inter": ne_dist, "ney_ang_multipolar_inter": ney_angle, "disp_ang_multipolar_inter": disp_angle, "an_ey_ang_multipolar_inter": an_ey_vect_angle} if not dipole_type1 == dipole_type2: if self.is_within_boundary(an_ey_vect_angle, "max_an_ey_ang_para_multipolar_inter", le): inter = InteractionType(dipole_grp1, dipole_grp2, "Parallel multipolar", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) elif self.is_within_boundary(an_ey_vect_angle, "min_an_ey_ang_antipara_multipolar_inter", ge): inter = InteractionType(dipole_grp1, dipole_grp2, "Antiparallel multipolar", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) elif (self.is_within_boundary(an_ey_vect_angle, "min_an_ey_ang_ortho_multipolar_inter", ge) and self.is_within_boundary(an_ey_vect_angle, "max_an_ey_ang_ortho_multipolar_inter", le)): inter = InteractionType(dipole_grp1, dipole_grp2, "Orthogonal multipolar", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) else: inter = InteractionType(dipole_grp1, dipole_grp2, "Tilted multipolar", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) else: inter_type = "Unfavorable %s-%s" % (dipole_type1.lower(), dipole_type2.lower()) inter = InteractionType(dipole_grp1, dipole_grp2, inter_type, directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) # Otherwise, ignore the angle AN and EY and add a general interaction (Multipolar) without a specific # definition of the orientation. It will happen only with Water molecules. else: params = {"ne_dist_multipolar_inter": ne_dist, "ney_ang_multipolar_inter": ney_angle, "disp_ang_multipolar_inter": disp_angle, "an_ey_ang_multipolar_inter": -1} inter_type = ("Multipolar" if not dipole_type1 == dipole_type2 else "Unfavorable %s-%s" % (dipole_type1.lower(), dipole_type2.lower())) inter = InteractionType(dipole_grp1, dipole_grp2, inter_type, directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_xbond_pi(self, params): """Default method to calculate halogen bonds between halogens and aromatic rings. Parameters ---------- params : tuple of (:class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`) The tuple follows the order (:math:`A`, :math:`B`, :math:`A_f`, :math:`B_f`), where :math:`A` and :math:`B` are two :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects, and :math:`A_f` and :math:`B_f` are their features (:class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` objects), respectively. Returns ------- : list """ if not self.add_non_cov: return [] group1, group2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] if ( == "Aromatic" and == "HalogenDonor"): donor_grp = group2 ring_grp = group1 else: donor_grp = group1 ring_grp = group2 # There are always just one donor/acceptor atom. donor_atm = donor_grp.atoms[0] # Interaction model: C-X ---- A # Defining the XA distance, in which A is the ring center xa_dist = im.euclidean_distance(donor_grp.centroid, ring_grp.centroid) if (self.is_within_boundary(xa_dist, "boundary_cutoff", le) and self.is_within_boundary(xa_dist, "max_xc_dist_xbond_inter", le)): ax_vect = donor_grp.centroid - ring_grp.centroid disp_angle = im.to_quad1(im.angle(ring_grp.normal, ax_vect)) if (self.is_within_boundary(disp_angle, "max_disp_ang_xbond_inter", le)): # Interaction model: C-X ---- A # XA vector is always the same xa_vect = ring_grp.centroid - donor_grp.centroid # Defining angle CXA, in which A is the ring center # It may happen that X is covalently bound to more than one group. # In such cases the halogen may also form more than one halogen bond. # Ref: Cavallo, G. et al. The Halogen Bond. (2016). carbon_coords = [nbi.coord for nbi in donor_atm.neighbors_info if nbi.atomic_num == 6] for c_coord in carbon_coords: xc_vect = c_coord - donor_grp.centroid cxa_angle = im.angle(xc_vect, xa_vect) if (self.is_within_boundary(cxa_angle, "min_cxa_ang_xbond_inter", ge)): params = {"xc_dist_xbond_inter": xa_dist, "disp_ang_xbond_inter": disp_angle, "cxa_ang_xbond_inter": cxa_angle} inter = InteractionType(donor_grp, ring_grp, "Halogen-pi", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_xbond(self, params): """Default method to calculate halogen bonds. Parameters ---------- params : tuple of (:class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`) The tuple follows the order (:math:`A`, :math:`B`, :math:`A_f`, :math:`B_f`), where :math:`A` and :math:`B` are two :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects, and :math:`A_f` and :math:`B_f` are their features (:class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` objects), respectively. Returns ------- : list """ if not self.add_non_cov: return [] group1, group2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] if len(group1.atoms) != 1 or len(group2.atoms) != 1: logger.warning("One or more invalid atom groups were informed: %s and %s. In halogen bonds, halogen donor " "and acceptor groups should always contain only one atom." % (group1, group2)) return [] if ( == "Acceptor" and == "HalogenDonor"): donor_grp = group2 acceptor_grp = group1 else: donor_grp = group1 acceptor_grp = group2 # There are always just one donor/acceptor atom. donor_atm = donor_grp.atoms[0] acceptor_atm = acceptor_grp.atoms[0] # Interaction model: C-X ---- A-R # Distance XA. xa_dist = im.euclidean_distance(donor_grp.centroid, acceptor_grp.centroid) if (self.is_within_boundary(xa_dist, "boundary_cutoff", le) and self.is_within_boundary(xa_dist, "max_xa_dist_xbond_inter", le)): # Interaction model: C-X ---- A-R # XA vector is always the same xa_vect = acceptor_grp.centroid - donor_grp.centroid # Defining the angle CXA # It may happen that X is covalently bound to more than one group. # In such cases the halogen may also form more than one halogen bond. # Ref: Cavallo, G. et al. The Halogen Bond. (2016). carbon_coords = [nbi.coord for nbi in donor_atm.neighbors_info if nbi.atomic_num == 6] # Interaction model: C-X ---- A-R. # R coordinates, in which R is a heavy atom. r_coords = [nbi.coord for nbi in acceptor_atm.neighbors_info if nbi.atomic_num != 1] for c_coord in carbon_coords: xc_vect = c_coord - donor_grp.centroid cxa_angle = im.angle(xc_vect, xa_vect) if self.is_within_boundary(cxa_angle, "min_cxa_ang_xbond_inter", ge): # If no heavy atom is bonded to the acceptor, it means that only hydrogens may be bound to it. Then, we do not # calculate the angles because hydrogens are too dynamic, i.e., the acceptor could be ionized or not at a # specific moment in time and its hydrogens may be positioned in different ways. if len(r_coords) == 0: params = {"xa_dist_xbond_inter": xa_dist, "cxa_ang_xbond_inter": cxa_angle, "xar_ang_xbond_inter": -1} inter = InteractionType(donor_grp, acceptor_grp, "Halogen bond", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) else: # AX vector is always the same. # Obs: the donor_grp is the Halogen (X). ax_vect = donor_grp.centroid - acceptor_grp.centroid lowest_xar_angle = None for r_coord in r_coords: ar_vect = r_coord - acceptor_grp.centroid xar_angle = im.angle(ax_vect, ar_vect) # Update the XAR angle with the lowest value. if lowest_xar_angle is None or xar_angle < lowest_xar_angle: lowest_xar_angle = xar_angle # The angle will be None when any R (heavy atom) atom was found. # In this case, the criteria must always fail. if lowest_xar_angle is None: lowest_xar_angle = -1 if self.is_within_boundary(lowest_xar_angle, "min_xar_ang_xbond_inter", ge): params = {"xa_dist_xbond_inter": xa_dist, "cxa_ang_xbond_inter": cxa_angle, "xar_ang_xbond_inter": lowest_xar_angle} inter = InteractionType(donor_grp, acceptor_grp, "Halogen bond", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_chalc_bond(self, params): """Default method to calculate chalcogen bonds. Parameters ---------- params : tuple of (:class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`) The tuple follows the order (:math:`A`, :math:`B`, :math:`A_f`, :math:`B_f`), where :math:`A` and :math:`B` are two :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects, and :math:`A_f` and :math:`B_f` are their features (:class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` objects), respectively. Returns ------- : list """ if not self.add_non_cov: return [] group1, group2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] if len(group1.atoms) != 1 or len(group2.atoms) != 1: logger.warning("One or more invalid atom groups were informed: %s and %s. In chalcogen bonds, chalcogen donor " "and acceptor groups should always contain only one atom." % (group1, group2)) return [] if ( == "Acceptor" and == "ChalcogenDonor"): donor_grp = group2 acceptor_grp = group1 else: donor_grp = group1 acceptor_grp = group2 # There are always just one donor/acceptor atom. donor_atm = donor_grp.atoms[0] acceptor_atm = acceptor_grp.atoms[0] # Interaction model: R-Y --- A-N # Distance YA. ya_dist = im.euclidean_distance(donor_grp.centroid, acceptor_grp.centroid) if (self.is_within_boundary(ya_dist, "boundary_cutoff", le) and self.is_within_boundary(ya_dist, "max_ya_dist_ybond_inter", le)): # Interaction model: R-Y --- A-N # YA vector is always the same ya_vect = acceptor_grp.centroid - donor_grp.centroid # Defining the angle RYA r_atms = [nbi for nbi in donor_atm.neighbors_info if nbi.atomic_num != 1] r_elems = sorted([nbi.atomic_num for nbi in donor_atm.neighbors_info if nbi.atomic_num != 1]) # Isothiazoles have only one sigma-hole located on the oposite site of the N. # Therefore, we should only evaluate this sigma-hole by ignoring the angle formed with the carbon. # Beno et al (2015). DOI: ignore_carbon = False if len(r_elems) == 2 and r_elems[0] == 6 and r_elems[1] == 7: ignore_carbon = True # Interaction model: R-Y --- A-N. # N coordinates, in which N is a heavy atom. n_coords = [nbi.coord for nbi in acceptor_atm.neighbors_info if nbi.atomic_num != 1] for r_atm in r_atms: # Isothiazoles have only one sigma-hole located on the oposite site of the N. # So, we must ignore the Carbon. Beno et al (2015). DOI: if r_atm.atomic_num == 6 and ignore_carbon is True: continue yr_vect = r_atm.coord - donor_grp.centroid rya_angle = im.angle(yr_vect, ya_vect) if (self.is_within_boundary(rya_angle, "min_rya_ang_ybond_inter", ge)): # If no heavy atom is bonded to the acceptor, it means that only hydrogens may be bound to it. Then, we do not # calculate the angles because hydrogens are too dynamic, i.e., the acceptor could be ionized or not at a # specific moment in time and its hydrogens may be positioned in different ways. if len(n_coords) == 0: params = {"ya_dist_ybond_inter": ya_dist, "rya_ang_ybond_inter": rya_angle, "yan_ang_ybond_inter": -1} inter = InteractionType(donor_grp, acceptor_grp, "Chalcogen bond", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) else: # AY vector is always the same. # Obs: the donor_grp is the Chalcogen (Y). ay_vect = donor_grp.centroid - acceptor_grp.centroid lowest_yan_angle = None for n_coord in n_coords: an_vect = n_coord - acceptor_grp.centroid yan_angle = im.angle(ay_vect, an_vect) # Update the XAR angle with the lowest value. if lowest_yan_angle is None or yan_angle < lowest_yan_angle: lowest_yan_angle = yan_angle # The angle will be None when any R (heavy atom) atom was found. # In this case, the criteria must always fail. if lowest_yan_angle is None: lowest_yan_angle = -1 if self.is_within_boundary(lowest_yan_angle, "min_yan_ang_ybond_inter", ge): params = {"ya_dist_ybond_inter": ya_dist, "rya_ang_ybond_inter": rya_angle, "yan_ang_ybond_inter": lowest_yan_angle} inter = InteractionType(donor_grp, acceptor_grp, "Chalcogen bond", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_chalc_bond_pi(self, params): """Default method to calculate chalcogen bonds between chalcogens and aromatic rings. Parameters ---------- params : tuple of (:class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`) The tuple follows the order (:math:`A`, :math:`B`, :math:`A_f`, :math:`B_f`), where :math:`A` and :math:`B` are two :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects, and :math:`A_f` and :math:`B_f` are their features (:class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` objects), respectively. Returns ------- : list """ if not self.add_non_cov: return [] group1, group2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] if ( == "Aromatic" and == "ChalcogenDonor"): donor_grp = group2 ring_grp = group1 else: donor_grp = group1 ring_grp = group2 # There are always just one donor/acceptor atom. donor_atm = donor_grp.atoms[0] # Interaction model: R-Y --- A, where A is the ring center # Defining the YA distance. ya_dist = im.euclidean_distance(donor_grp.centroid, ring_grp.centroid) if (self.is_within_boundary(ya_dist, "boundary_cutoff", le) and self.is_within_boundary(ya_dist, "max_yc_dist_ybond_inter", le)): ay_vect = donor_grp.centroid - ring_grp.centroid disp_angle = im.to_quad1(im.angle(ring_grp.normal, ay_vect)) if (self.is_within_boundary(disp_angle, "max_disp_ang_ybond_inter", le)): # Interaction model: R-Y ---- A, where A is the ring center # YA vector is always the same ya_vect = ring_grp.centroid - donor_grp.centroid # Defining the angle RYA, where A is the ring center r_atms = [nbi for nbi in donor_atm.neighbors_info if nbi.atomic_num != 1] r_elems = sorted([nbi.atomic_num for nbi in donor_atm.neighbors_info if nbi.atomic_num != 1]) # Isothiazoles have only one sigma-hole located on the oposite site of the N. # Therefore, we should only evaluate this sigma-hole by ignoring the angle formed with the carbon. # Beno et al (2015). DOI: ignore_carbon = False if len(r_elems) == 2 and r_elems[0] == 6 and r_elems[1] == 7: ignore_carbon = True for r_atm in r_atms: # Isothiazoles have only one sigma-hole located on the oposite site of the N. # So, we must ignore the Carbon. Beno et al (2015). DOI: if r_atm.atomic_num == 6 and ignore_carbon is True: continue yr_vect = r_atm.coord - donor_grp.centroid rya_angle = im.angle(yr_vect, ya_vect) if (self.is_within_boundary(rya_angle, "min_rya_ang_ybond_inter", ge)): params = {"yc_dist_ybond_inter": ya_dist, "disp_ang_ybond_inter": disp_angle, "rya_ang_ybond_inter": rya_angle} inter = InteractionType(donor_grp, ring_grp, "Chalcogen-pi", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_hbond(self, params): """Default method to calculate hydrogen bonds. Parameters ---------- params : tuple of (:class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`) The tuple follows the order (:math:`A`, :math:`B`, :math:`A_f`, :math:`B_f`), where :math:`A` and :math:`B` are two :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects, and :math:`A_f` and :math:`B_f` are their features (:class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` objects), respectively. Returns ------- : list """ if not self.add_non_cov: return [] group1, group2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] if len(group1.atoms) != 1 or len(group2.atoms) != 1: logger.warning("One or more invalid atom groups were informed: %s and %s. In hydrogen bonds, donor and acceptor " "groups should always contain only one atom." % (group1, group2)) return [] if ( == "Acceptor" and == "Donor"): donor_grp = group2 acceptor_grp = group1 else: donor_grp = group1 acceptor_grp = group2 donor_atm = donor_grp.atoms[0] acceptor_atm = acceptor_grp.atoms[0] # Interaction model: D-H ---- A-R. # DA distance da_dist = im.euclidean_distance(donor_grp.centroid, acceptor_grp.centroid) if (self.is_within_boundary(da_dist, "boundary_cutoff", le) and self.is_within_boundary(da_dist, "max_da_dist_hb_inter", le)): # Interaction model: D-H ---- A-R. # Recover only hydrogen coordinates bonded to the donor. hydrog_coords = [nbi.coord for nbi in donor_atm.neighbors_info if nbi.atomic_num == 1] # Interaction model: D-H ---- A-R. # R coordinates, in which R is a heavy atom. r_coords = [nbi.coord for nbi in acceptor_atm.neighbors_info if nbi.atomic_num != 1] # Firstly, it checks if it is not necessary to apply a strict hbond rule, i.e., # hydrogens must exist and all geometrical criteria should be evaluated. # Then it checks if no hydrogen is bonded to the donor, or if the donor has hydrogens # and only hydrogens as neighbours (water, solvents, ammonia, SH2). In the latter case, the # hydrogens can be positioned in many different ways, and each run of a tool like OpenBabel # would vary the hydrogen bond list when one applies this algorithm. # # If the user has also defined a list of lazy compounds, we can skip the application of strict rules on # them as well. By default, the list contains only Water molecules. if ((self.strict_donor_rules is False and (len(hydrog_coords) == 0 or len(hydrog_coords) == len(donor_atm.neighbors_info))) or (donor_atm.parent.resname in self.lazy_comps_list)): # When the position of the hydrogen cannot be defined, it assumes the hydrogen to be located 1A # away from the donor in a line formed by the donor and the acceptor. ha_dist = da_dist - 1 if self.is_within_boundary(ha_dist, "max_ha_dist_hb_inter", le): # If no heavy atom is bonded to the acceptor, it means that only hydrogens may be bound to it. Then, we do not # calculate the angles because hydrogens are too dynamic, i.e., the acceptor could be ionized or not at a # specific moment in time and its hydrogens may be positioned in different ways. if len(r_coords) == 0: params = {"da_dist_hb_inter": da_dist, "ha_dist_hb_inter": -1, "dha_ang_hb_inter": -1, "har_ang_hb_inter": -1, "dar_ang_hb_inter": -1} inter = InteractionType(donor_grp, acceptor_grp, "Hydrogen bond", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) else: # AD vector is always the same. ad_vect = donor_grp.centroid - acceptor_grp.centroid lowest_dar_angle = None for r_coord in r_coords: ar_vect = r_coord - acceptor_grp.centroid dar_angle = im.angle(ad_vect, ar_vect) # Update the DAR angle with the lowest value. if lowest_dar_angle is None or dar_angle < lowest_dar_angle: lowest_dar_angle = dar_angle # The angle will be None when any R (heavy atom) atom was found. # In this case, the criteria must always fail. if lowest_dar_angle is None: lowest_dar_angle = -1 if self.is_within_boundary(lowest_dar_angle, "min_dar_ang_hb_inter", ge): params = {"da_dist_hb_inter": da_dist, "ha_dist_hb_inter": -1, "dha_ang_hb_inter": -1, "har_ang_hb_inter": -1, "dar_ang_hb_inter": lowest_dar_angle} inter = InteractionType(donor_grp, acceptor_grp, "Hydrogen bond", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) else: # It may happen that D is covalently bound to more than one hydrogen atom. # In this case, it is necessary to check the distances and angles for each atom. # It will produce a hydrogen bond for each valid hydrogen. for h_coord in hydrog_coords: ha_dist = im.euclidean_distance(h_coord, acceptor_grp.centroid) hd_vect = donor_grp.centroid - h_coord ha_vect = acceptor_grp.centroid - h_coord dha_angle = im.angle(hd_vect, ha_vect) if (self.is_within_boundary(ha_dist, "max_ha_dist_hb_inter", le) and self.is_within_boundary(dha_angle, "min_dha_ang_hb_inter", ge)): # If no heavy atom is bonded to the acceptor, it means that only hydrogens may be bound to it. Then, we do not # calculate the angles because hydrogens are too dynamic, i.e., the acceptor could be ionized or not at a # specific moment in time and its hydrogens may be positioned in different ways. if len(r_coords) == 0: params = {"da_dist_hb_inter": da_dist, "ha_dist_hb_inter": ha_dist, "dha_ang_hb_inter": dha_angle, "har_ang_hb_inter": -1, "dar_ang_hb_inter": -1} inter = InteractionType(donor_grp, acceptor_grp, "Hydrogen bond", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) else: # Interaction model: D-H ---- A-R # AH vector is always the same. ah_vect = h_coord - acceptor_grp.centroid # AD vector is always the same. ad_vect = donor_grp.centroid - acceptor_grp.centroid # Interaction model: D-H ---- A-R # Check the angles formed at the acceptor. When A is covalently bonded to more than one R atom, # it is necessary to evaluate all possible angles D-A-R and H-A-R. In this case, all angles should # satisfy the angle criterion. To do so, we could analyze only the lowest D-A-R and H-A-R angles. # It guarantees that all angles will satisfy the criteria. OBS: it may happen that each one of the # angles would belong to a different R atom. lowest_har_angle = None lowest_dar_angle = None for r_coord in r_coords: ar_vect = r_coord - acceptor_grp.centroid har_angle = im.angle(ah_vect, ar_vect) dar_angle = im.angle(ad_vect, ar_vect) # Update the HAR angle with the lowest value. if lowest_har_angle is None or har_angle < lowest_har_angle: lowest_har_angle = har_angle # Update the DAR angle with the lowest value. if lowest_dar_angle is None or dar_angle < lowest_dar_angle: lowest_dar_angle = dar_angle # The angles will be None when any R (heavy atom) atom was found. # In this case, the criteria must always fail. if lowest_har_angle is None or lowest_dar_angle is None: lowest_har_angle = -1 lowest_dar_angle = -1 if (self.is_within_boundary(lowest_har_angle, "min_har_ang_hb_inter", ge) and self.is_within_boundary(lowest_dar_angle, "min_dar_ang_hb_inter", ge)): # Only the lowest D-A-R and H-A-R angles are provided. params = {"da_dist_hb_inter": da_dist, "ha_dist_hb_inter": ha_dist, "dha_ang_hb_inter": dha_angle, "har_ang_hb_inter": lowest_har_angle, "dar_ang_hb_inter": lowest_dar_angle} inter = InteractionType(donor_grp, acceptor_grp, "Hydrogen bond", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_weak_hbond(self, params): """Default method to calculate weak hydrogen bonds. Parameters ---------- params : tuple of (:class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`) The tuple follows the order (:math:`A`, :math:`B`, :math:`A_f`, :math:`B_f`), where :math:`A` and :math:`B` are two :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects, and :math:`A_f` and :math:`B_f` are their features (:class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` objects), respectively. Returns ------- : list """ if not self.add_non_cov: return [] group1, group2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] if len(group1.atoms) != 1 or len(group2.atoms) != 1: logger.warning("One or more invalid atom groups were informed: %s and %s. In weak hydrogen bonds, weak donor and " "(weak) acceptor groups should always contain only one atom." % (group1, group2)) return [] if ( == "Acceptor" or == "WeakAcceptor") and == "WeakDonor": donor_grp = group2 acceptor_grp = group1 elif == "WeakDonor" and ( == "Acceptor" or == "WeakAcceptor"): donor_grp = group1 acceptor_grp = group2 else: logger.warning("Weak hydrogen bond requires a weak donor and an (weak) acceptor groups. " "However, the informed groups have the features %s and %s." % (group1.feature_names, group2.feature_names)) return [] donor_atm = donor_grp.atoms[0] acceptor_atm = acceptor_grp.atoms[0] da_dist = im.euclidean_distance(donor_grp.centroid, acceptor_grp.centroid) if (self.is_within_boundary(da_dist, "boundary_cutoff", le) and self.is_within_boundary(da_dist, "max_da_dist_whb_inter", le)): # Interaction model: D-H ---- A-R. # Recover only hydrogen coordinates bonded to the donor. hydrog_coords = [nbi.coord for nbi in donor_atm.neighbors_info if nbi.atomic_num == 1] # Interaction model: D-H ---- A-R. # R coordinates, in which R is a heavy atom. r_coords = [nbi.coord for nbi in acceptor_atm.neighbors_info if nbi.atomic_num != 1] # Firstly, it checks if it is not necessary to apply a strict hbond rule, i.e., # hydrogens must exist and all geometrical criteria should be evaluated. # Then it checks if no hydrogen is bonded to the donor, or if the donor has hydrogens # and only hydrogens as neighbours (water, solvents, ammonia, SH2). In the latter case, the # hydrogens can be positioned in many different set of ways, and each run of a tool like # OpenBabel would vary the hydrogen bond list when one applies this algorithm. # # If the user has also defined a list of lazy compounds, we can skip the application of strict rules on # them as well. By default, the list contains only Water molecules. if ((self.strict_weak_donor_rules is False and (len(hydrog_coords) == 0 or len(hydrog_coords) == len(donor_atm.neighbors_info))) or (donor_atm.parent.resname in self.lazy_comps_list)): # When the position of the hydrogen cannot be defined, it assumes the hydrogen to be located 1A # away from the donor in a line formed by the donor and the acceptor. ha_dist = da_dist - 1 if self.is_within_boundary(ha_dist, "max_ha_dist_whb_inter", le): # If no heavy atom is bonded to the acceptor, it means that only hydrogens may be bound to it. Then, we do not # calculate the angles because hydrogens are too dynamic, i.e., the acceptor could be ionized or not at a # specific moment in time and its hydrogens may be positioned in different ways. if len(r_coords) == 0: params = {"da_dist_whb_inter": da_dist, "ha_dist_whb_inter": -1, "dha_ang_whb_inter": -1, "har_ang_whb_inter": -1, "dar_ang_whb_inter": -1} inter = InteractionType(donor_grp, acceptor_grp, "Weak hydrogen bond", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) else: # AD vector is always the same. ad_vect = donor_grp.centroid - acceptor_grp.centroid lowest_dar_angle = None for r_coord in r_coords: ar_vect = r_coord - acceptor_grp.centroid dar_angle = im.angle(ad_vect, ar_vect) # Update the DAR angle with the lowest value. if lowest_dar_angle is None or dar_angle < lowest_dar_angle: lowest_dar_angle = dar_angle # The angle will be None when any R (heavy atom) atom was found. # In this case, the criteria must always fail. if lowest_dar_angle is None: lowest_dar_angle = -1 if self.is_within_boundary(lowest_dar_angle, "min_dar_ang_whb_inter", ge): params = {"da_dist_whb_inter": da_dist, "ha_dist_whb_inter": -1, "dha_ang_whb_inter": -1, "har_ang_whb_inter": -1, "dar_ang_whb_inter": lowest_dar_angle} inter = InteractionType(donor_grp, acceptor_grp, "Weak hydrogen bond", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) else: # It may happen that D is covalently bound to more than one hydrogen atom. # In such cases, it's necessary to check the distances and angles for each atom. for h_coord in hydrog_coords: ha_dist = im.euclidean_distance(h_coord, acceptor_grp.centroid) hd_vect = donor_grp.centroid - h_coord ha_vect = acceptor_grp.centroid - h_coord dha_angle = im.angle(hd_vect, ha_vect) if (self.is_within_boundary(ha_dist, "max_ha_dist_whb_inter", le) and self.is_within_boundary(dha_angle, "min_dha_ang_whb_inter", ge)): # If no heavy atom is bonded to the acceptor, it means that only hydrogens may be bound to it. Then, we do not # calculate the angles because hydrogens are too dynamic, i.e., the acceptor could be ionized or not at a # specific moment in time and its hydrogens may be positioned in different ways. if len(r_coords) == 0: params = {"da_dist_whb_inter": da_dist, "ha_dist_whb_inter": ha_dist, "dha_ang_whb_inter": dha_angle, "har_ang_whb_inter": -1, "dar_ang_whb_inter": -1} inter = InteractionType(donor_grp, acceptor_grp, "Weak hydrogen bond", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) else: # Interaction model: D-H ---- A-R # AH vector is always the same. ah_vect = h_coord - acceptor_grp.centroid # AD vector is always the same. ad_vect = donor_grp.centroid - acceptor_grp.centroid # Interaction model: D-H ---- A-R # Check the angles formed at the acceptor. # When A is covalently bonded to more than one R atom, it is necessary to # evaluate all possible angles D-A-R and H-A-R. In this case, all angles should # satisfy the angle criterion. To do so, we could analyze only the lowest D-A-R and # H-A-R angles. It guarantees that all angles will satisfy the criteria. # OBS: it may happen that each one of the angles would belong to a different R atom. lowest_har_angle = None lowest_dar_angle = None for r_coord in r_coords: ar_vect = r_coord - acceptor_grp.centroid har_angle = im.angle(ah_vect, ar_vect) dar_angle = im.angle(ad_vect, ar_vect) # Update the HAR angle with the lowest value. if lowest_har_angle is None or har_angle < lowest_har_angle: lowest_har_angle = har_angle # Update the DAR angle with the lowest value. if lowest_dar_angle is None or dar_angle < lowest_dar_angle: lowest_dar_angle = dar_angle # The angles will be None when any R (heavy atom) atom was found. # In this case, the criteria must always fail. if lowest_har_angle is None or lowest_dar_angle is None: lowest_har_angle = -1 lowest_dar_angle = -1 if (self.is_within_boundary(lowest_har_angle, "min_har_ang_whb_inter", ge) and self.is_within_boundary(lowest_dar_angle, "min_dar_ang_whb_inter", ge)): # Only the lowest D-A-R and H-A-R angles are provided. params = {"da_dist_whb_inter": da_dist, "ha_dist_whb_inter": ha_dist, "dha_ang_whb_inter": dha_angle, "har_ang_whb_inter": lowest_har_angle, "dar_ang_whb_inter": lowest_dar_angle} inter = InteractionType(donor_grp, acceptor_grp, "Weak hydrogen bond", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_hbond_pi(self, params): """Default method to calculate hydrogen bonds between (weak) donors and aromatic rings. Parameters ---------- params : tuple of (:class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`) The tuple follows the order (:math:`A`, :math:`B`, :math:`A_f`, :math:`B_f`), where :math:`A` and :math:`B` are two :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects, and :math:`A_f` and :math:`B_f` are their features (:class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` objects), respectively. Returns ------- : list """ if not self.add_non_cov: return [] group1, group2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] if ( == "Aromatic" and ( == "Donor" or == "WeakDonor")): ring_grp = group1 donor_grp = group2 elif ( == "Aromatic" and ( == "Donor" or == "WeakDonor")): ring_grp = group2 donor_grp = group1 else: logger.warning("Hydrogen bond involving pi-systems requires an aromatic and donor (weak donor) groups. However, " "the informed groups have the features %s and %s." % (group1.feature_names, group2.feature_names)) return [] if len(donor_grp.atoms) != 1: logger.warning("Invalid (weak) donor group was informed: %s. In hydrogen bonds involving pi-systems, (weak) donor " "groups should always contain only one atom." % donor_grp) return [] # There are always just one donor/acceptor atom. donor_atm = donor_grp.atoms[0] # Interaction model: D-H ---- A, in which A is the ring center. da_dist = im.euclidean_distance(donor_grp.centroid, ring_grp.centroid) if (self.is_within_boundary(da_dist, "boundary_cutoff", le) and self.is_within_boundary(da_dist, "max_dc_dist_whb_inter", le)): # Interaction model: D-H ---- A, in which A is the ring center. # Recover only hydrogen coordinates bonded to the donor. hydrog_coords = [nbi.coord for nbi in donor_atm.neighbors_info if nbi.atomic_num == 1] # Firstly, it checks if it is not necessary to apply a strict hbond rule, i.e., # hydrogens must exist and all geometrical criteria should be evaluated. # Then it checks if no hydrogen is bonded to the donor, or if the donor has hydrogens # and only hydrogens as neighbours (water, solvents, ammonia, SH2). In the latter case, the # hydrogens can be positioned in many different set of ways, and each run of a tool like # OpenBabel would vary the hydrogen bond list when one applies this algorithm. # # If the user has also defined a list of lazy compounds, we can skip the application of strict rules on # them as well. By default, the list contains only Water molecules. if ((self.strict_weak_donor_rules is False and (len(hydrog_coords) == 0 or len(hydrog_coords) == len(donor_atm.neighbors_info))) or (donor_atm.parent.resname in self.lazy_comps_list)): # When the position of the hydrogen cannot be defined, it assumes the hydrogen to be located 1A # away from the donor in a line formed by the donor and the acceptor. ha_dist = da_dist - 1 if self.is_within_boundary(ha_dist, "max_hc_dist_whb_inter", le): # Interaction model: D-H ---- A, in which A is the ring center. # Calculate the displacement angle formed between the ring normal and the vector Donor-Centroid. ad_vect = donor_grp.centroid - ring_grp.centroid disp_angle = im.to_quad1(im.angle(ring_grp.normal, ad_vect)) if (self.is_within_boundary(disp_angle, "max_disp_ang_whb_inter", le)): params = {"dc_dist_whb_inter": da_dist, "hc_dist_whb_inter": -1, "dhc_ang_whb_inter": -1, "disp_ang_whb_inter": disp_angle} inter = InteractionType(donor_grp, ring_grp, "Weak hydrogen bond", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) else: # It may happen that D is covalently bound to more than one hydrogen atom. # In this case, it is necessary to check the distances and angles for each atom. # It will produce a hydrogen bond for each valid hydrogen. for h_coord in hydrog_coords: ha_dist = im.euclidean_distance(h_coord, ring_grp.centroid) hd_vect = donor_grp.centroid - h_coord ha_vect = ring_grp.centroid - h_coord dha_angle = im.angle(hd_vect, ha_vect) if (self.is_within_boundary(ha_dist, "max_hc_dist_whb_inter", le) and self.is_within_boundary(dha_angle, "min_dhc_ang_whb_inter", ge)): # Interaction model: D-H ---- A, in which A is the ring center. # Calculate the displacement angle formed between the ring normal and the vector Donor-Centroid. ad_vect = donor_grp.centroid - ring_grp.centroid disp_angle = im.to_quad1(im.angle(ring_grp.normal, ad_vect)) if (self.is_within_boundary(disp_angle, "max_disp_ang_whb_inter", le)): params = {"dc_dist_whb_inter": da_dist, "hc_dist_whb_inter": ha_dist, "dhc_ang_whb_inter": dha_angle, "disp_ang_whb_inter": disp_angle} inter = InteractionType(donor_grp, ring_grp, "Weak hydrogen bond", directional=True, params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_ionic(self, params): """Default method to calculate attractive ionic interactions. Parameters ---------- params : tuple of (:class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`) The tuple follows the order (:math:`A`, :math:`B`, :math:`A_f`, :math:`B_f`), where :math:`A` and :math:`B` are two :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects, and :math:`A_f` and :math:`B_f` are their features (:class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` objects), respectively. Returns ------- : list """ if not self.add_non_cov: return [] group1, group2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] cc_dist = im.euclidean_distance(group1.centroid, group2.centroid) if (self.is_within_boundary(cc_dist, "boundary_cutoff", le) and self.is_within_boundary(cc_dist, "max_dist_attract_inter", le)): params = {"dist_attract_inter": cc_dist} inter = InteractionType(group1, group2, "Ionic", params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_repulsive(self, params): """Default method to calculate repulsive ionic interactions. Parameters ---------- params : tuple of (:class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`) The tuple follows the order (:math:`A`, :math:`B`, :math:`A_f`, :math:`B_f`), where :math:`A` and :math:`B` are two :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects, and :math:`A_f` and :math:`B_f` are their features (:class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` objects), respectively. Returns ------- : list """ if not self.add_non_cov: return [] group1, group2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] cc_dist = im.euclidean_distance(group1.centroid, group2.centroid) if (self.is_within_boundary(cc_dist, "boundary_cutoff", le) and self.is_within_boundary(cc_dist, "max_dist_repuls_inter", le)): params = {"dist_repuls_inter": cc_dist} inter = InteractionType(group1, group2, "Repulsive", params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_proximal(self, params): """Default method to calculate proximal interactions. Parameters ---------- params : tuple of (:class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`) The tuple follows the order (:math:`A`, :math:`B`, :math:`A_f`, :math:`B_f`), where :math:`A` and :math:`B` are two :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects, and :math:`A_f` and :math:`B_f` are their features (:class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` objects), respectively. Returns ------- : list """ if not self.add_proximal: return [] group1, group2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] cc_dist = im.euclidean_distance(group1.centroid, group2.centroid) if (self.is_within_boundary(cc_dist, "min_dist_proximal", ge) and self.is_within_boundary(cc_dist, "max_dist_proximal", le)): params = {"dist_proximal": cc_dist} inter = InteractionType(group1, group2, "Proximal", params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_atom_atom(self, params): """Default method to calculate atom-atom interactions, which include covalent bonds, Van der Waals, Van der Waals clash, and atom overlap. Note that covalent bonds are controlled by the flag ``add_cov``, while the other three interactions are controlled by the flag ``add_atom_atom``. .. note:: We opted to separate `Van der Waals` from other non-covalent interactions because LUNA may generate an unnecessary number of additional interactions that are usually already represented by other non-covalent interactions as weak hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic, or dipole-dipole interactions. Thus, to give users a fine-grain control over which interactions to calculate, we provided this additional flag to turn off the calculation of Van der Waals interactions. Parameters ---------- params : tuple of (:class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`,\ :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`) The tuple follows the order (:math:`A`, :math:`B`, :math:`A_f`, :math:`B_f`), where :math:`A` and :math:`B` are two :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects, and :math:`A_f` and :math:`B_f` are their features (:class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` objects), respectively. Returns ------- : list """ group1, group2, feat1, feat2 = params interactions = [] atm1 = group1.atoms[0] atm2 = group2.atoms[0] cc_dist = im.euclidean_distance(group1.centroid, group2.centroid) params = {"dist_atom_atom": cc_dist} # It checks if the two atoms are neighbors, i.e., if they are covalently bonded. # The covalent bonds are detected by OpenBabel, which besides other evaluations, # states that two atoms are covalently bonded if: # 0.4 <= d(a1, a2) <= cov_rad(a1) + cov_rad(a2) + 0.45 if atm1.is_neighbor(atm2): # Ignore covalent bonds. if not self.add_cov: return [] bond_type = atm1.get_neighbor_info(atm2).bond_type if bond_type in COV_BONDS_MAPPING: bond_name = COV_BONDS_MAPPING[bond_type] else: bond_name = "Other bond" logger.warning("An unexpected bond (%s) was found between the atoms %s and %s. " "Therefore, a general bond name (%s) will be used instead." % (bond_type, atm1, atm2, bond_name)) inter = InteractionType(group1, group2, bond_name, params=params) interactions.append(inter) else: if not self.add_atom_atom: return [] cov1 = ob.GetCovalentRad(ob.GetAtomicNum(atm1.element)) cov2 = ob.GetCovalentRad(ob.GetAtomicNum(atm2.element)) if cc_dist <= cov1 + cov2: inter = InteractionType(group1, group2, "Atom overlap", params=params) interactions.append(inter) else: rdw1 = ob.GetVdwRad(ob.GetAtomicNum(atm1.element)) rdw2 = ob.GetVdwRad(ob.GetAtomicNum(atm2.element)) # r1 + r2 - d < 0 => no clash # r1 + r2 - d = 0 => in the limit, i.e., spheres are touching. # r1 + r2 - d > 0 => clash. if (rdw1 + rdw2 - cc_dist) >= self.inter_config.get("vdw_clash_tolerance", 0): # Ignore Van der Waals and clashes for atoms separated from each other by only N bonds. # Covalent bonds keep atoms very tightly, producing distances lower than their sum of Van der Waals radius. # As a consequence the algorithm will find a lot of false clashes and Van der Waals interactions. # # It is better to keep this function inside the IFs to avoid the Dijkstra processing for pairs of atoms # that wouldn't enter inside the IF. shortest_path_length = group1.get_shortest_path_length(group2, self.inter_config.get("min_bond_separation", 0)) # If get_shortest_path_length() returns any value that is not infinite (INF), it means these two groups # contain a path with at less than or equal to the cutoff 'min_bond_separation'. Therefore, ignore them. if shortest_path_length != float('inf'): return [] inter = InteractionType(group1, group2, "Van der Waals clash", params=params) interactions.append(inter) elif cc_dist <= rdw1 + rdw2 + self.inter_config.get("vdw_tolerance", 0): # Ignore Van der Waals and clashes for atoms separated from each other by only N bonds. # Covalent bonds keep atoms very tightly, producing distances lower than their sum of Van der Waals radius. # As a consequence the algorithm will find a lot of false clashes and Van der Waals interactions. # # It is better to keep this function inside the IFs to avoid the Dijkstra processing for pairs of atoms # that wouldn't enter inside the IF. shortest_path_length = group1.get_shortest_path_length(group2, self.inter_config.get("min_bond_separation", 0)) # If get_shortest_path_length() returns any value that is not infinite (INF), it means these two groups # contain a path with at less than or equal to the cutoff 'min_bond_separation'. Therefore, ignore them. if shortest_path_length != float('inf'): return [] inter = InteractionType(group1, group2, "Van der Waals", params=params) interactions.append(inter) return interactions
def _is_intramol_inter(self, grp1, grp2): comps1 = grp1.compounds comps2 = grp2.compounds return len(comps1) == 1 and len(comps2) == 1 and comps1 == comps2
[docs] def is_within_boundary(self, value, key, func): """Check if a value is within the boundary defined for a given parameter. .. note:: It will always return True if the parameter does not exist in ``inter_config``. Parameters ---------- value : any The value to be evaluated. key : A parameter defined in ``inter_config``. func : callable The function that evaluates if ``value`` is within the boundaries defined for the parameter ``key``. Usually, the comparison functions (e.g., lt, le, ge, gt) available in the Python module :py:mod:`operator` are enough for number comparisons. If you need custom comparison functions, just provide them here. Returns ------- : bool """ if key not in self.inter_config: return True return func(value, self.inter_config[key])
[docs] def is_feature_pair_valid(self, feat1, feat2): """Check if the provided pair of features is valid or not. It will be valid if the pair exists in ``funcs``, i.e., there is one or more functions to calculate interactions defined for that given pair of features. It also return False if non-covalent interactions is turned off (``add_non_cov = False``) and at least one of the features is not `Atom`. This is useful to save processing time as it skips pairs that have functions to calculate non-covalent interactions right away. Parameters ---------- feat1, feat2: :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` Returns ------- : bool """ if isinstance(feat1, ChemicalFeature): feat1 = if isinstance(feat2, ChemicalFeature): feat2 = if not self.add_non_cov and (feat1 != "Atom" or feat2 != "Atom"): return False funcs = self.funcs return (True if ((feat1, feat2) in funcs or (feat2, feat1) in funcs) else False)
[docs] def get_functions(self, feat1, feat2): """Get the functions to calculate interactions for the given features. Parameters ---------- feat1, feat2: :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature` Returns ------- : iterable of callable """ if isinstance(feat1, ChemicalFeature): feat1 = if isinstance(feat2, ChemicalFeature): feat2 = funcs = self.funcs if (feat1, feat2) in funcs: return funcs[(feat1, feat2)] elif (feat2, feat1) in funcs: return funcs[(feat2, feat1)] else: return None
[docs] def set_functions_to_pair(self, pair, funcs): """Set functions to calculate interaction for the given pair of features. Parameters ---------- pair: tuple of (:class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`, :class:`~luna.mol.features.ChemicalFeature`) funcs : iterable of callable """ self.funcs[pair] = funcs