Source code for luna.mol.features

from collections import defaultdict

# Open Babel
from openbabel.openbabel import OBMol, OBSmartsPattern
from openbabel.pybel import Molecule as PybelMol
# RDKit
from rdkit.Chem import Mol as RDMol

from luna.util import stringcase as case
from luna.util.exceptions import MoleculeObjectTypeError
from luna.wrappers.base import MolWrapper

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()

[docs]class ChemicalFeature(): """Define chemical features as for example pharmacophore properties. Parameters ---------- name : str The chemical feature name. """ def __init__(self, name): = name
[docs] def format_name(self, case_func="sentencecase"): """Convert chemical feature names to another string case. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of a string case function from :py:mod:`luna.util.stringcase`. """ func = getattr(case, case_func) return func(
# Special methods def __repr__(self): return "<Feature=%s>" % def __eq__(self, other): """Overrides the default implementation""" if isinstance(self, other.__class__): return == return False def __ne__(self, other): """Overrides the default implementation""" return not self.__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other): return < def __hash__(self): return hash(
[docs]class OBMolChemicalFeature: """Mimic :class:`rdkit.Chem.rdMolChemicalFeatures.MolChemicalFeature` for Open Babel. Parameters ---------- family : str The family name, which is the term used by RDKit for chemical features. atom_ids : list List of atom identifiers. """ def __init__(self, family, atom_ids): = family self.atom_ids = atom_ids
[docs] def GetAtomIds(self): """Get the IDs of the atoms that participate in the feature.""" return self.atom_ids
[docs] def GetFamily(self): """Get the family to which the feature belongs (e.g., donor, acceptor, etc.)""" return
[docs]class FeatureExtractor: """Perceive chemical features from molecules. Parameters ---------- feature_factory : :class:`~rdkit.Chem.rdMolChemicalFeatures.MolChemicalFeatureFactory` An RDKit feature factory. Examples -------- First, let's read a molecule (glutamine). >>> from luna.wrappers.base import MolWrapper >>> mol = MolWrapper.from_smiles("N[C@@H](CCC(N)=O)C(O)=O").unwrap() Now, create a feature factory and instantiate a new `FeatureExtractor` object. >>> from luna.util.default_values import ATOM_PROP_FILE >>> from rdkit.Chem import ChemicalFeatures >>> from luna.mol.features import FeatureExtractor >>> feature_factory = ChemicalFeatures.BuildFeatureFactory(ATOM_PROP_FILE) >>> feature_extractor = FeatureExtractor(feature_factory) Finally, you can extract features by group or atom. >>> features = feature_extractor.get_features_by_atoms(mol) >>> features = feature_extractor.get_features_by_groups(mol) """ def __init__(self, feature_factory): self.feature_factory = feature_factory
[docs] def get_features_by_atoms(self, mol_obj, atm_map=None): """Perceive chemical features from the molecule ``mol_obj`` by atom. Parameters ---------- mol_obj : :class:`~luna.wrappers.base.MolWrapper`, :class:`rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol`, or :class:`openbabel.pybel.Molecule` The molecule. atm_map : dict A dictionary to map an atom's index to a different value. Returns ------- atm_features : dict of {int : list of `ChemicalFeature`} Chemical features by atoms that are represented by their index or by a value from ``atm_map``. """ if isinstance(mol_obj, MolWrapper): mol_obj = mol_obj.unwrap() if isinstance(mol_obj, RDMol): perceived_features = self.feature_factory.GetFeaturesForMol(mol_obj) elif isinstance(mol_obj, OBMol): perceived_features = self._get_features_from_obmol(mol_obj) elif isinstance(mol_obj, PybelMol): perceived_features = self._get_features_from_obmol(mol_obj.OBMol) else: logger.exception("Objects of type '%s' are not currently accepted." % mol_obj.__class__) raise MoleculeObjectTypeError("Objects of type '%s' are not currently accepted." % mol_obj.__class__) atm_features = defaultdict(set) for f in perceived_features: for atm_idx in f.GetAtomIds(): tmp_atm_idx = atm_idx if atm_map is not None: if atm_idx in atm_map: tmp_atm_idx = atm_map[atm_idx] else: logger.warning("There is no corresponding mapping to the index '%d'. It will be ignored." % atm_idx) feature = ChemicalFeature(f.GetFamily()) atm_features[tmp_atm_idx].add(feature) return atm_features
[docs] def get_features_by_groups(self, mol_obj, atm_map=None): """Perceive chemical features from the molecule ``mol_obj`` by atom groups. Parameters ---------- mol_obj : :class:`~luna.wrappers.base.MolWrapper`, :class:`rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol`, or :class:`openbabel.pybel.Molecule` The molecule. atm_map : dict A dictionary to map an atom's index to a different value. Returns ------- grp_features : dict of {str : dict} Chemical features by groups. Each dictionary value is defined as follows: * ``atm_ids`` (list): list of atoms represented by their index or by a value from ``atm_map`` ; * ``features`` (list of `ChemicalFeature`): list of chemical features. """ if isinstance(mol_obj, MolWrapper): mol_obj = mol_obj.unwrap() if isinstance(mol_obj, RDMol): perceived_features = self.feature_factory.GetFeaturesForMol(mol_obj) elif isinstance(mol_obj, OBMol): perceived_features = self._get_features_from_obmol(mol_obj) elif isinstance(mol_obj, PybelMol): perceived_features = self._get_features_from_obmol(mol_obj.OBMol) else: logger.exception("Objects of type '%s' are not currently accepted." % mol_obj.__class__) raise MoleculeObjectTypeError("Objects of type '%s' are not currently accepted." % mol_obj.__class__) grp_features = {} for f in perceived_features: atm_ids = sorted(list(f.GetAtomIds())) if atm_map is not None: tmp_atm_ids = [] for atm_id in atm_ids: if atm_id in atm_map: tmp_atm_ids.append(atm_map[atm_id]) else: logger.warning("There is no corresponding mapping to the index '%d'. It will be ignored." % atm_id) atm_ids = tmp_atm_ids key = ','.join([str(x) for x in atm_ids]) if key in grp_features: grp_obj = grp_features[key] else: grp_obj = {"atm_ids": atm_ids, "features": []} features = set(grp_obj["features"]) feature = ChemicalFeature(f.GetFamily()) features.add(feature) grp_obj["features"] = list(features) grp_features[key] = grp_obj return grp_features
def _get_features_from_obmol(self, ob_mol): grp_features = defaultdict(set) for key, smarts in self.feature_factory.GetFeatureDefs().items(): grp_type = key.split(".")[0] ob_smart = OBSmartsPattern() ob_smart.Init(str(smarts)) ob_smart.Match(ob_mol) matches = [x for x in ob_smart.GetMapList()] if matches: for match in matches: cur_ids = set(match) exists = False remove_ids = [] for ids in grp_features[grp_type]: ids = set(ids) # If there is any other group of the same type that already contains the current atoms. if cur_ids.issubset(ids): exists = True # It just need to find one bigger group. break # If the current group contains atoms from already added group atoms. elif ids.issubset(cur_ids): exists = True # Find all smaller groups to remove them. remove_ids.append(tuple(ids)) if exists is False: grp_features[grp_type].add(tuple(cur_ids)) elif remove_ids: for ids in remove_ids: grp_features[grp_type].remove(ids) grp_features[grp_type].add(tuple(cur_ids)) return [OBMolChemicalFeature(family, atom_ids) for family in grp_features for atom_ids in grp_features[family]]