Source code for luna.mol.templates

import pandas as pd

from luna.util.default_values import LIGAND_EXPO_FILE
from luna.util.exceptions import MoleculeNotFoundError, MoleculeObjectTypeError
from luna.wrappers.base import MolWrapper

from rdkit.Chem.AllChem import AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger()

[docs]class Template: """Standardize small molecules based on templates."""
[docs] def assign_bond_order(self): """Assign bond order to a molecular object. However, this method is not implemented by default. Instead, you should use a class that inherits from `Template` and implements :meth:`assign_bond_order`. An example is the class `LigandExpoTemplate` that assigns bonds order based on ligands SMILES from `LigandExpo <>`_. Therefore, you should define your own logic beyond :meth:`assign_bond_order` that meets your goals.""" raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses should implement this.")
[docs]class LigandExpoTemplate(Template): """Standardize small molecules based on templates (SMILES) from `LigandExpo <>`_. Parameters ---------- lig_expo_file : str The `LigandExpo <>`_ file containing the SMILES and ligand ids. """ def __init__(self, lig_expo_file=LIGAND_EXPO_FILE): self.lig_expo_file = lig_expo_file self._data = None @property def data(self): """:py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` : The `LigandExpo <>`_ data.""" if self._data is None: self._data = pd.read_csv(self.lig_expo_file, sep="\t+", na_filter=False, names=["smiles", "ligand_id"], usecols=[0, 1], engine='python').dropna() return self._data
[docs] def get_ligand_smiles(self, lig_id): """Get SMILES for the ligand ``lig_id``. Parameters ---------- lig_id : str The ligand identifier (PDB id) in `LigandExpo <>`_. Returns ---------- smiles : str or None The ligand SMILES. """ data =[["ligand_id"] == lig_id]["smiles"] if data.shape[0] == 0: return None return data.values[0]
[docs] def assign_bond_order(self, mol_obj, lig_id): """Assign bond order to a molecular object based on its `LigandExpo <>`_ SMILES. Parameters ---------- mol_obj : :class:`~luna.wrappers.base.MolWrapper`, :class:`rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol`, or :class:`openbabel.pybel.Molecule` A molecule to standardise. lig_id : str The ligand identifier (PDB id) in `LigandExpo <>`_. Returns ------- new_mol : :class:`~luna.wrappers.base.MolWrapper`, :class:`rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol`, or :class:`openbabel.pybel.Molecule` A standardized molecular object of the same type as ``mol_obj``. """ tmp_mol_obj = MolWrapper(mol_obj) if tmp_mol_obj.is_rdkit_obj(): smiles = self.get_ligand_smiles(lig_id) # Raise an exception when the template is not found. if smiles is None: raise MoleculeNotFoundError("It is not possible to assign the bond orders to the ligand %s because " "its corresponding template was not found at Ligand Expo." % lig_id) template = MolWrapper.from_smiles(smiles, mol_obj_type="rdkit").unwrap() # Note that the template molecule should have no explicit hydrogens else the algorithm will fail. new_mol = AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate(template, tmp_mol_obj.unwrap()) if isinstance(mol_obj, MolWrapper): return MolWrapper(mol_obj) return new_mol else: logger.exception("Objects of type '%s' are not currently accepted." % mol_obj.__class__) raise MoleculeObjectTypeError("Objects of type '%s' are not currently accepted." % mol_obj.__class__)