Source code for luna.projects

from os.path import exists, abspath, dirname
import time
import logging
import glob
import warnings
import multiprocessing as mp
from scipy.special import comb
import itertools

# Open Babel and RDKit libraries
from rdkit.Chem import ChemicalFeatures
from rdkit.Chem import MolFromSmiles

# Local modules
from luna.mol.features import FeatureExtractor
from luna.mol.fingerprint import generate_fp_for_mols
from luna.mol.entry import Entry, MolFileEntry
from luna.mol.groups import AtomGroupPerceiver
from import get_contacts_with
from luna.interaction.calc import InteractionCalculator
from import ShellGenerator
from luna.interaction.fp.type import IFPType
from luna.wrappers.base import MolWrapper
from luna.util.default_values import *
from luna.util.exceptions import *
from luna.util.file import *
from luna.util.logging import new_logging_file, load_default_logging_config
from luna.util.multiprocessing_logging import start_mp_handler, MultiProcessingHandler
from import ArgsGenerator, ParallelJobs

from luna.MyBio.PDB.PDBParser import PDBParser
from luna.MyBio.PDB.FTMapParser import FTMapParser
from luna.MyBio.util import download_pdb, save_to_file, get_entity_from_entry
from luna.version import __version__, has_version_compatibility

from sys import setrecursionlimit

# Set a recursion limit to avoid RecursionError with the library pickle.

logger = load_default_logging_config()

                   3: logging.INFO,
                   2: logging.WARNING,
                   1: logging.ERROR,
                   0: logging.CRITICAL}

MAX_NPROCS = mp.cpu_count() - 1

[docs]class EntryResults: """Store entry results. Parameters ---------- entry: :class:`~luna.mol.entry.Entry` An :class:`~luna.mol.entry.Entry` object that represents a molecule or an entire chain. atm_grps_mngr: :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroupsManager` An :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroupsManager` object that stores the perceived atoms and atom groups in the vicinity given by ``entry``. interactions_mngr: :class:`~luna.interaction.calc.InteractionsManager` An :class:`~luna.interaction.calc.InteractionsManager` object that interactions in the vicinity given by ``entry``. ifp: :class:`~luna.interaction.fp.fingerprint.Fingerprint`, optional An interaction fingerprint (IFP) generated for ``entry``. mfp: RDKit :class:`~rdkit.DataStructs.cDataStructs.ExplicitBitVect` or :class:`~rdkit.DataStructs.cDataStructs.SparseBitVect`, optional A molecular fingerprint generated for ``entry``. Attributes ---------- entry : :class:`~luna.mol.entry.Entry` atm_grps_mngr: :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroupsManager` interactions_mngr: :class:`~luna.interaction.calc.InteractionsManager` ifp: :class:`~luna.interaction.fp.fingerprint.Fingerprint` mfp: RDKit :class:`~rdkit.DataStructs.cDataStructs.ExplicitBitVect` or :class:`~rdkit.DataStructs.cDataStructs.SparseBitVect` version : str The LUNA's version with which results were generated. """ def __init__(self, entry, atm_grps_mngr, interactions_mngr, ifp=None, mfp=None): self.entry = entry self.atm_grps_mngr = atm_grps_mngr self.interactions_mngr = interactions_mngr self.ifp = ifp self.mfp = mfp self.version = __version__
[docs] def save(self, output_file, compressed=True): """Write the pickled representation of this object to the file ``output_file``. Parameters ---------- output_file : str The output file where the pickled representation will be saved. compressed : bool, optional If True (the default), compress the pickled representation as a gzip file (.gz). Raises ------- FileNotCreated If the file could not be created. """ pickle_data(self, output_file, compressed)
[docs] @staticmethod def load(input_file): """Read the pickled representation of an `EntryResults` object from the file ``input_file`` and return the reconstituted object hierarchy specified therein. ``input_file`` can be a gzip-compressed file. Raises ------- PKLNotReadError If the file could not be loaded. """ return unpickle_data(input_file)
[docs]class Project: """Define a LUNA project. .. note:: This class is not intended to be used directly because :meth:`run` is not implemented by default. Instead, you should use a class that inherits from `Project` and implements :meth:`run`. An example is the class :class:`LocalProject` that implements a custom :meth:`run` that saves results as local files. Parameters ---------- entries : iterable of :class:`~luna.mol.entry.Entry` Entries determine the target molecule to which interactions and other properties will be calculated. They can be ligands, chains, etc, and can be defined in a number of ways. Each entry has an associated PDB file that may contain macromolecules (protein, RNA, DNA) and other small molecules, water, and ions. Refer to :class:`~luna.mol.entry.Entry` for more information. working_path : str Where project results will be saved. pdb_path : str Path containing local PDB files or to where the PDB files will be downloaded. PDB filenames must match that defined for the entries. If not provided, the default PDB path will be used. overwrite_path : bool If True, allow LUNA to overwrite any existing directory, which may remove files from a previous project. The default value is False. add_h : bool Define if you need to add hydrogens or not. The default value is True. .. note:: To be cautious, it does not add hydrogens to NMR-solved structures and ligands initialized from molecular files (:class:`~luna.mol.entry.MolFileEntry` objects) as they usually already contain hydrogens. ph : float Control the pH and how the hydrogens are going to be added. The default value is 7.4. .. note:: To be cautious, it does not modify the protonation of molecular files defined by a :class:`~luna.mol.entry.MolFileEntry` object. amend_mol : bool If True (the default), try to fix atomic charges, valence, and bond types for small molecules and residues at PDB files. Only molecules at PDB files are validated because they do not contain charge, valence, and bond types, which may cause molecules to be incorrectly perceived. More information :ref:`here <Ligands in PDB files>`. .. note:: Molecules from external files (:class:`~luna.mol.entry.MolFileEntry` objects) will not be modified. mol_obj_type : {'rdkit', 'openbabel'} Define which library (RDKit or Open Babel) to use to parse molecules. The default value is 'rdkit'. atom_prop_file : str A feature definition file (FDef) containing all information needed to define a set of chemical or pharmacophoric features. The default value is 'LUNA.fdef', which contains default LUNA features definition. inter_calc : :class:`~luna.interaction.calc.InteractionCalculator` Define which and how interactions are calculated. binding_mode_filter : :class:`~luna.interaction.filter.BindingModeFilter` Define how to filter interactions based on binding modes. calc_mfp : bool If True, generate ECFP4 fingerprints for each entry in ``entries``. The default value is False. mfp_output : str If ``calc_mfp`` is True, save ECFP4 fingerprints to file ``mfp_output``. If not provided, fingerprints are saved at <``working_path``>/results/fingerprints/mfp.csv. calc_ifp : bool If True (the default), generate LUNA interaction fingerprints (IFPs) for each entry in ``entries``. ifp_num_levels : int The maximum number of iterations for fingerprint generation. The default value is 2. ifp_radius_step : float The multiplier used to increase shell size at each iteration. At iteration 0, shell radius is 0 * ``radius_step``, at iteration 1, radius is 1 * ``radius_step``, etc. The default value is 5.73171. ifp_length : int The fingerprint length (total number of bits). The default value is 4096. ifp_count : bool If True (the default), create a count fingerprint (:class:`~luna.interaction.fp.fingerprint.CountFingerprint`). Otherwise, return a bit fingerprint (:class:`~luna.interaction.fp.fingerprint.Fingerprint`). ifp_diff_comp_classes : If True (the default), include differentiation between compound classes. That means structural information originated from :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroup` objects belonging to residues, nucleotides, ligands, or water molecules will be considered different even if their structural information are the same. This is useful for example to differentiate protein-ligand interactions from residue-residue ones. ifp_type : :class:`~luna.interaction.fp.type.IFPType` The fingerprint type (EIFP, FIFP, or HIFP). The default value is EIFP. ifp_output : str If ``calc_ifp`` is True, save LUNA interaction fingerprints (IFPs) to file ``ifp_output``. If not provided, fingerprints are saved at <``working_path``>/results/fingerprints/ifp.csv. ifp_sim_matrix_output : str, optional If provided, compute Tanimoto similarity between interaction fingerprints (IFPs) and save the similarity matrix to ``ifp_sim_matrix_output``. out_pse : bool If True, depict interactions save them as Pymol sessions (PSE file). The default value is False. PSE files are saved at <``working_path``>/results/pse. append_mode : bool If True, skip entries from processing if a result for them already exists in ``working_path``. This can save processing time in case additional entries are to be added to an existing project. verbosity : int Verbosity level. The higher the verbosity level the more information is displayed. Valid values are: * 4: DEBUG messages; * 3: INFO messages (the default); * 2: WARNING messages; * 1: ERROR messages; * 0: CRITICAL messages. logging_enabled : bool If True (the default), enable the logging system. nproc : int The number of CPUs to use. The default value is the ``maximum number of CPUs - 1``. If ``nproc`` is smaller than 1 or greater than the maximum amount of available CPUs at your PC, then ``nproc`` is set to its default value. If you set it to None, LUNA will be run serially. Attributes ---------- entries : iterable of :class:`~luna.mol.entry.Entry` working_path : str pdb_path : str overwrite_path : bool add_h : bool ph : float amend_mol : bool mol_obj_type : {'rdkit', 'openbabel'} atom_prop_file : str inter_calc : :class:`~luna.interaction.calc.InteractionCalculator` binding_mode_filter : :class:`~luna.interaction.filter.BindingModeFilter` calc_mfp : bool mfp_output : str calc_ifp : bool ifp_num_levels : int ifp_radius_step : float ifp_length : int ifp_count : bool ifp_diff_comp_classes : bool ifp_type : :class:`~luna.interaction.fp.type.IFPType` ifp_output : str out_pse : bool out_ifp_sim_matrix : bool append_mode : bool logging_file : str The file to where logging messages are saved. version : str The LUNA's version with which results were generated. errors : list of tuple Any errors found during the processing of an entry. Each tuple contains the input and the exception raised during the execution of a task with that input. """ def __init__(self, entries, working_path, pdb_path=PDB_PATH, overwrite_path=False, add_h=True, ph=7.4, amend_mol=True, mol_obj_type='rdkit', atom_prop_file=ATOM_PROP_FILE, inter_calc=None, binding_mode_filter=None, calc_mfp=False, mfp_output=None, calc_ifp=True, ifp_num_levels=2, ifp_radius_step=5.73171, ifp_length=IFP_LENGTH, ifp_count=True, ifp_diff_comp_classes=True, ifp_type=IFPType.EIFP, ifp_output=None, ifp_sim_matrix_output=None, out_pse=False, append_mode=False, verbosity=3, logging_enabled=True, nproc=MAX_NPROCS): # Property required by self._log() self.logging_enabled = logging_enabled if mol_obj_type not in ACCEPTED_MOL_OBJ_TYPES: raise IllegalArgumentError("Invalid value for 'mol_obj_type'. Objects of type '%s' are not currently accepted. " "The available options are: %s." % (mol_obj_type, ", ".join(["'%s'" % m for m in ACCEPTED_MOL_OBJ_TYPES]))) self._log("info", "LUNA version: %s." % __version__) if inter_calc is not None and isinstance(inter_calc, InteractionCalculator) is False: raise IllegalArgumentError("The informed interaction configuration must be an instance of %s." % ".".join([InteractionCalculator.__module__, InteractionCalculator.__name__])) elif inter_calc is None: self._log("info", "No interaction calculator object was defined and the default will be used instead.") if append_mode: self._log("warning", "Append mode set ON, entries with existing results will be skipped from the entries processing.") if pdb_path is None or not is_directory_valid(pdb_path): new_pdb_path = "%s/pdbs/" % working_path self._log("warning", "The provided PDB path '%s' is not valid or does not exist. " "Therefore, PDBs will be saved at the working path: %s" % (pdb_path, new_pdb_path)) pdb_path = new_pdb_path self.entries = entries self.working_path = working_path self.pdb_path = pdb_path self.overwrite_path = overwrite_path self.atom_prop_file = atom_prop_file = ph self.amend_mol = amend_mol self.mol_obj_type = mol_obj_type self.add_h = add_h if inter_calc is None: inter_calc = InteractionCalculator(inter_config=INTERACTION_CONFIG) self.inter_calc = inter_calc self.binding_mode_filter = binding_mode_filter # Fingerprint parameters. self.calc_mfp = calc_mfp self.mfp_output = mfp_output self.calc_ifp = calc_ifp self.ifp_num_levels = ifp_num_levels self.ifp_radius_step = ifp_radius_step self.ifp_length = ifp_length self.ifp_count = ifp_count self.ifp_diff_comp_classes = ifp_diff_comp_classes self.ifp_type = ifp_type self.ifp_output = ifp_output self.ifp_sim_matrix_output = ifp_sim_matrix_output self.out_pse = out_pse self.append_mode = append_mode self._loaded_logging_file = False self.logging_file = "%s/logs/project.log" % self.working_path self.verbosity = verbosity self.nproc = nproc self.version = __version__ self._paths = ["chunks", "figures", "logs", "pdbs", "results/interactions", "results/fingerprints", "results/pse", "results", "tmp"] self.errors = [] def __call__(self): raise NotImplementedError("This class is not callable. Use a class that implements this method.") @property def project_file(self): """str: Where the pickled representation of the LUNA project is saved.""" return "%s/project_v%s.pkl.gz" % (self.working_path, __version__) @property def results(self): """iterable of `EntryResults`: LUNA results for each entry.""" for entry in self.entries: results = self.get_entry_results(entry) if results: yield results @property def interactions_mngrs(self): """iterable of :class:`~luna.interaction.calc.InteractionsManager`: \ An :class:`~luna.interaction.calc.InteractionsManager` object for each entry.""" for entry in self.entries: results = self.get_entry_results(entry) if results: yield results.interactions_mngr @property def atm_grps_mngrs(self): """iterable of :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroupsManager`: \ An :class:`~luna.mol.groups.AtomGroupsManager` object for each entry.""" for entry in self.entries: results = self.get_entry_results(entry) if results: yield results.atm_grps_mngr @property def ifps(self): """iterable of :class:`~luna.interaction.fp.fingerprint.Fingerprint`: \ An interaction fingerprint (IFP) for each entry.""" for entry in self.entries: results = self.get_entry_results(entry) if results: yield entry, results.ifp @property def mfps(self): """iterable of RDKit :class:`~rdkit.DataStructs.cDataStructs.ExplicitBitVect` \ or :class:`~rdkit.DataStructs.cDataStructs.SparseBitVect`: \ A molecular fingerprint for each entry.""" for entry in self.entries: results = self.get_entry_results(entry) if results: yield entry, results.mfp @property def nproc(self): """int: The number of CPUs to use.""" return self._nproc @nproc.setter def nproc(self, nproc): if nproc is not None: if not isinstance(nproc, int) or isinstance(nproc, bool): self._log("warning", "The number of processes must be an integer value, but a(n) %s was provided instead. " "Therefore, the number of processes 'nproc' was set to its maximum accepted capacity " "(%d - 1 = %d)." % (nproc.__class__.__name__, mp.cpu_count(), MAX_NPROCS)) nproc = MAX_NPROCS elif nproc < 1: self._log("warning", "It was trying to create an invalid number of processes (%s). Therefore, the number of " "processes 'nproc' was set to its maximum accepted capacity (%d - 1 = %d)." % (str(nproc), mp.cpu_count(), MAX_NPROCS)) nproc = MAX_NPROCS elif nproc >= mp.cpu_count(): self._log("warning", "It was trying to create %d processes, which is equal to or greater than the maximum " "amount of available CPUs (%d). Therefore, the number of processes 'nproc' was set to %d " "to leave at least one CPU free." % (nproc, mp.cpu_count(), MAX_NPROCS)) nproc = MAX_NPROCS else: self._log("warning", "The number of processes was set to '%s'. Therefore, LUNA will run jobs sequentially." % nproc) self._nproc = nproc @property def logging_enabled(self): """bool: If the logging system is enable or not.""" return self._logging_enabled @logging_enabled.setter def logging_enabled(self, is_enabled): if not is_enabled: warnings.warn("Logging mode was set OFF. No logging information will be saved from now on.") logger.disabled = True else: warnings.warn("Logging mode was set ON. Logging information will be saved from now on.") logger.disabled = False self._logging_enabled = is_enabled @property def verbosity(self): """int: Verbosity level.""" return self._verbosity @verbosity.setter def verbosity(self, verbosity): if verbosity not in VERBOSITY_LEVEL: raise IllegalArgumentError("The informed logging level '%s' is not valid. The valid levels are: %s." % (repr(verbosity), ", ".join(["%d (%s)" % (k, logging.getLevelName(v)) for k, v in sorted(VERBOSITY_LEVEL.items())]))) else: self._log("info", "Verbosity set to: %d (%s)." % (verbosity, logging.getLevelName(VERBOSITY_LEVEL[verbosity]))) self._verbosity = VERBOSITY_LEVEL[verbosity] # If the logging file has already been loaded, it is necessary to update the logging verbosity level. if self._loaded_logging_file: self._init_logging_file(self.logging_file)
[docs] def get_entry_results(self, entry): """Get results for a given entry. Parameters ---------- entry : :class:`~luna.mol.entry.Entry` An entry from ``entries``. Returns ------- : `EntryResults` """ if isinstance(entry, Entry): entry = entry.to_string() pkl_file = "%s/chunks/%s.pkl.gz" % (self.working_path, entry) try: return EntryResults.load(pkl_file) except Exception as e: self._log("exception", e)
def _log(self, level, message): if self.logging_enabled: try: getattr(logger, level)(message) except Exception: raise def _log_preferences(self): self._log("debug", "New project initialized...") params = [] for key in sorted(self.__dict__): if key == "entries": params.append("\t\t\t-- # %s = %d" % (key, len(self.__dict__[key]))) else: params.append("\t\t\t-- %s = %s" % (key, str(self.__dict__[key]))) self._log("debug", "Preferences:\n%s" % "\n".join(params)) def _init_logging_file(self, logging_filename=None, use_mp_handler=True): if self.logging_enabled: if not logging_filename: logging_filename = new_unique_filename(TMP_FILES) try: new_logging_file(logging_filename, logging_level=self.verbosity) start_mp_handler() self._log("info", "Logging file '%s' initialized successfully." % logging_filename) # Print preferences at the new logging file. self._log_preferences() self._loaded_logging_file = True except Exception as e: self._log("exception", e) raise FileNotCreated("Logging file '%s' could not be created." % logging_filename) def _close_logging_file(self): try: for handler in logger.handlers: if isinstance(handler, MultiProcessingHandler): if isinstance(handler.sub_handler, logging.FileHandler): handler.close() logger.removeHandler(handler) except Exception: pass def _prepare_project_path(self, subdirs=None): self._log("info", "Preparing project directory '%s'." % self.working_path) if subdirs is None: subdirs = self._paths # Create main project directory. create_directory(self.working_path, self.overwrite_path) # Create subdirectories. for path in subdirs: create_directory("%s/%s" % (self.working_path, path)) self._log("info", "Project directory '%s' created successfully." % self.working_path) def _remove_empty_paths(self): for path in self._paths: remove_directory("%s/%s" % (self.working_path, path), only_empty_paths=True)
[docs] def remove_duplicate_entries(self): """Search and remove duplicate entries from ``entries``.""" entries = {} for entry in self.entries: if entry.to_string() not in entries: entries[entry.to_string()] = entry else: self._log("debug", "An entry with id '%s' already exists in the list of entries, so the entry %s is a duplicate and will " "be removed." % (entry.to_string(), entry)) self._log("info", "The remotion of duplicate entries was finished. %d entrie(s) were removed." % (len(self.entries) - len(entries))) self.entries = list(entries.values())
def _validate_entry_format(self, entry): if not entry.is_valid(): raise InvalidEntry("Entry '%s' does not match a LUNA's entry format." % entry.to_string())
[docs] def verify_pdb_files_existence(self): """Verify if a local PDB file exists for each entry in ``entries``. If it does not find a given PDB file, then LUNA will try to download it from RCSB.""" all_pdb_ids = set() to_download = set() for entry in self.entries: pdb_file = "%s/%s.pdb" % (self.pdb_path, entry.pdb_id) if not exists(pdb_file): to_download.add(entry.pdb_id) all_pdb_ids.add(entry.pdb_id)"%d PDB file(s) found at '%s' from a total of %d PDB(s). " "So, %d PDB(s) need to be downloaded." % ((len(all_pdb_ids) - len(to_download)), self.pdb_path, len(all_pdb_ids), len(to_download))) if to_download: args = [(pdb_id, self.pdb_path) for pdb_id in to_download] pj = ParallelJobs(self.nproc) job_results = pj.run_jobs(args=args, consumer_func=download_pdb, job_name="Download PDBs") errors = job_results.errors # Warn the users for any errors found during the entries processing. if errors: self._log("warning", "Number of PDBs with errors: %d. Check the log file to see the complete list of PDBs that failed." % len(errors)) self._log("debug", "PDBs that failed: %s." % ", ".join([e[0][0] for e in errors]))
def _decide_hydrogen_addition(self, pdb_header, entry): if self.add_h: if "structure_method" in pdb_header: method = pdb_header["structure_method"] # If the method is not a NMR type does not add hydrogen as it usually already has hydrogens. if method.upper() in NMR_METHODS: self._log("debug", "The structure related to the entry '%s' was obtained by NMR, so it will " "not add hydrogens to it." % entry.to_string()) return False return True return False def _perceive_chemical_groups(self, entry, entity, ligand, add_h=False): self._log("debug", "Starting pharmacophore perception for entry '%s'" % entry.to_string()) feature_factory = ChemicalFeatures.BuildFeatureFactory(self.atom_prop_file) feature_extractor = FeatureExtractor(feature_factory) perceiver = AtomGroupPerceiver(feature_extractor, add_h=add_h,, amend_mol=self.amend_mol, mol_obj_type=self.mol_obj_type, tmp_path="%s/tmp" % self.working_path) radius = self.inter_calc.inter_config.get("boundary_cutoff", BOUNDARY_CONFIG["boundary_cutoff"]) nb_compounds = get_contacts_with(entity, ligand, level='R', radius=radius) mol_objs_dict = {} if isinstance(entry, MolFileEntry): mol_objs_dict[entry.get_biopython_key()] = entry.mol_obj atm_grps_mngr = perceiver.perceive_atom_groups(set([x[1] for x in nb_compounds]), mol_objs_dict=mol_objs_dict) self._log("debug", "Pharmacophore perception for entry '%s' has finished." % entry.to_string()) return atm_grps_mngr def _create_mfp(self, entry): if isinstance(entry, MolFileEntry): rdmol_lig = MolFromSmiles(MolWrapper(entry.mol_obj).to_smiles()) rdmol_lig.SetProp("_Name", entry.mol_id) return generate_fp_for_mols([rdmol_lig], "morgan_fp")[0]["fp"] else: # TODO: implement support for other entries. self._log("warning", "Currently, it cannot generate molecular fingerprints for " "instances of %s." % entry.__class__.__name__) def _create_ifp(self, atm_grps_mngr): sg = ShellGenerator(self.ifp_num_levels, self.ifp_radius_step, diff_comp_classes=self.ifp_diff_comp_classes, ifp_type=self.ifp_type) sm = sg.create_shells(atm_grps_mngr) unique_shells = not self.ifp_count return sm.to_fingerprint(fold_to_length=self.ifp_length, unique_shells=unique_shells, count_fp=self.ifp_count) def _create_ifp_file(self): ifp_output = self.ifp_output or "%s/results/fingerprints/ifp.csv" % self.working_path with open(ifp_output, "w") as OUT: if self.ifp_count: OUT.write("ligand_id,on_bits,count\n") else: OUT.write("ligand_id,on_bits\n") for entry, ifp in self.ifps: if self.ifp_count: fp_bits_str = "\t".join([str(idx) for idx in ifp.counts.keys()]) fp_count_str = "\t".join([str(count) for count in ifp.counts.values()]) OUT.write("%s,%s,%s\n" % (entry.to_string(), fp_bits_str, fp_count_str)) else: fp_bits_str = "\t".join([str(x) for x in ifp.get_on_bits()]) OUT.write("%s,%s\n" % (entry.to_string(), fp_bits_str)) def _create_mfp_file(self): self.mfp_output = self.mfp_output or "%s/results/fingerprints/mfp.csv" % self.working_path with open(self.mfp_output, "w") as OUT: OUT.write("ligand_id,smiles,on_bits\n") for entry, mfp in self.mfps: fp_str = "\t".join([str(x) for x in mfp.GetOnBits()]) OUT.write("%s,%s,%s\n" % (entry.to_string(), "", fp_str)) def _calc_similarity(self, res1, res2): return "%s,%s,%s" % (res1.entry.to_string(), res2.entry.to_string(), str(res1.ifp.calc_similarity(res2.ifp))) def _generate_similarity_matrix(self, output_file): nargs = int(comb(len(self.entries), 2)) args = ArgsGenerator(itertools.combinations(self.results, 2), nargs) header = "entry1,entry2,similarity" pj = ParallelJobs(self.nproc) return pj.run_jobs(args=args, consumer_func=self._calc_similarity, output_file=output_file, output_header=header, job_name="Calculate similarities")
[docs] def run(self): """Run LUNA. However, this method is not implemented by default. Instead, you should use a class that inherits from `Project` and implements :meth:`run`. An example is the class :class:`LocalProject` that implements a custom :meth:`run` that saves results as local files. """ self()
[docs] def save(self, output_file, compressed=True): """Write the pickled representation of this project to the file ``output_file``. Parameters ---------- output_file : str The output file where the pickled representation will be saved. compressed : bool, optional If True (the default), compress the pickled representation as a gzip file (.gz). Raises ------- FileNotCreated If the file could not be created. """ pickle_data(self, output_file, compressed)
[docs] @staticmethod def load(pathname, verbosity=3, logging_enabled=True): """Read the pickled representation of a `Project` object from a file or project path \ and return the reconstituted object hierarchy specified therein. \ The ``pathname`` can be a gzip-compressed file. Parameters ---------- pathname : str A file containing the pickled representation of a `Project` object or the project path (``working_path``) from where the pickled representation will be recovered. verbosity : int Verbosity level. The higher the verbosity level the more information is displayed. Valid values are: * 4: DEBUG messages; * 3: INFO messages (the default); * 2: WARNING messages; * 1: ERROR messages; * 0: CRITICAL messages. logging_enabled : bool If True (the default), enable the logging system. Raises ------- CompatibilityError If the project version is not compatible with the current LUNA version. PKLNotReadError If the file could not be loaded. IllegalArgumentError If the provided pathname does not exist or is an invalid file/directory. """ # # Check if the provided input path is a valid file or a directory containing saved projects. # if is_file_valid(pathname): input_file = pathname elif is_directory_valid(pathname): project_files = glob.glob("%s/project_v*.pkl.gz" % pathname) if len(project_files) == 1: input_file = project_files[0] elif len(project_files) == 0: raise PKLNotReadError("In the provided working path '%s', there is no saved project." % pathname) else: raise PKLNotReadError("In the provided working path '%s', there are multiple saved projects. " "Please, specify which one you want to load." % pathname) else: raise IllegalArgumentError("The provided path '%s' does not exist or is an invalid file/directory." % pathname) if not logging_enabled: logger.disabled = True"Reloading project saved in '%s'.\n" % input_file) proj_obj = unpickle_data(input_file) if has_version_compatibility(proj_obj.version): proj_obj._loaded_logging_file = False proj_obj.verbosity = verbosity proj_obj.logging_enabled = logging_enabled # Update the working path if the project has been moved to a different path. curr_working_path = dirname(abspath(input_file)) if proj_obj.working_path != curr_working_path: proj_obj.working_path = curr_working_path proj_obj.logging_file = "%s/logs/project.log" % proj_obj.working_path proj_obj._log("info", "Project reloaded successfully.") return proj_obj else: raise CompatibilityError("The project loaded from '%s' has a version (%s) not compatible with the " "current %s's version (%s)." % (input_file, proj_obj.version, __package__.upper(), __version__))
[docs]class LocalProject(Project): """Define a local LUNA project, i.e., results are saved locally and not to a database. This class inherits from `Project` and implements :meth:``. Examples -------- In this minimum example, we will calculate protein-ligand interactions for dopamine D4 complexes. First, we should define the ligand entries and initialize a new :class:`~luna.interaction.calc.InteractionCalculator` object. >>> from luna.util.default_values import LUNA_PATH >>> from luna.interaction.calc import InteractionCalculator >>> entries = list(MolFileEntry.from_file(input_file=f"{LUNA_PATH}/tutorial/inputs/MolEntries.txt", ... pdb_id="D4", mol_file=f"{LUNA_PATH}/tutorial/inputs/ligands.mol2")) >>> ic = InteractionCalculator(inter_filter=InteractionFilter.new_pli_filter()) Finally, just create the new LUNA project with desired parameters and call :meth:``. Here, we opted to define the parameters first as a dict, and then we pass it as an argument to `LocalProject`. >>> from luna import LocalProject >>> opts = {} >>> opts["working_path"] = "%s/Results/Test3" % main_path >>> opts["pdb_path"] = f"{LUNA_PATH}/tutorial/inputs/" >>> opts["entries"] = entries >>> opts["inter_calc"] = ic >>> proj_obj = LocalProject(**opts) >>> """ def __init__(self, entries, working_path, **kwargs): super().__init__(entries=entries, working_path=working_path, **kwargs) def _process_entry(self, entry): start = time.time() self._log("debug", "Starting entry processing: %s." % entry.to_string()) try: # Check if the entry is in the correct format. # It also accepts entries whose pdb_id is defined by the filename. if isinstance(entry, MolFileEntry) is False: self._validate_entry_format(entry) # Entry results will be saved here. pkl_file = "%s/chunks/%s.pkl.gz" % (self.working_path, entry.to_string()) if self.append_mode and exists(pkl_file): self._log("debug", "Since append mode is set ON, it will skip entry '%s' because a result for " "this entry already exists in the working path." % entry.to_string()) return # TODO: allow the user to pass a pdb_file through entries. pdb_file = "%s/%s.pdb" % (self.pdb_path, entry.pdb_id) entry.pdb_file = pdb_file pdb_parser = entry.parser if pdb_parser is None: pdb_parser = PDBParser(PERMISSIVE=True, QUIET=True, FIX_EMPTY_CHAINS=True, FIX_ATOM_NAME_CONFLICT=True, FIX_OBABEL_FLAGS=False) if isinstance(pdb_parser, FTMapParser): structure = pdb_parser.get_structure(entry.pdb_id, pdb_file, only_compounds=[entry.get_biopython_key(full_id=True)]) pdb_file = "%s/pdbs/%s.pdb" % (self.working_path, entry.to_string()) save_to_file(structure, pdb_file) entry.pdb_file = pdb_file else: structure = pdb_parser.get_structure(entry.pdb_id, pdb_file) add_h = self._decide_hydrogen_addition(pdb_parser.get_header(), entry) if isinstance(entry, MolFileEntry): structure = entry.get_biopython_structure(structure, pdb_parser) ligand = get_entity_from_entry(structure, entry) ligand.set_as_target(is_target=True) # # Perceive pharmacophoric properties # atm_grps_mngr = self._perceive_chemical_groups(entry, structure[0], ligand, add_h) atm_grps_mngr.entry = entry # # Calculate interactions # interactions_mngr = self.inter_calc.calc_interactions(atm_grps_mngr.atm_grps) interactions_mngr.entry = entry # Create hydrophobic islands. atm_grps_mngr.merge_hydrophobic_atoms(interactions_mngr) if self.binding_mode_filter is not None: interactions_mngr.filter_out_by_binding_mode(self.binding_mode_filter) # Generate IFP (Interaction fingerprint) ifp = None if self.calc_ifp: ifp = self._create_ifp(atm_grps_mngr) # Generate MFP (Molecular fingerprint) mfp = None if self.calc_mfp: mfp = self._create_mfp() # Saving entry results. entry_results = EntryResults(entry, atm_grps_mngr, interactions_mngr, ifp, mfp) # Saving interactions to CSV file. csv_file = "%s/results/interactions/%s.csv" % (self.working_path, entry.to_string()) interactions_mngr.to_csv(csv_file) # Saving interactions into a Pymol session. if self.out_pse: from luna.interaction.view import InteractionViewer pse_file = "%s/results/pse/%s.pse" % (self.working_path, entry.to_string()) piv = InteractionViewer(add_directional_arrows=False) piv.new_session([(entry, interactions_mngr, entry.pdb_file)], pse_file) self._log("debug", "Processing of entry '%s' finished successfully." % entry.to_string()) except Exception: self._log("debug", "Processing of entry '%s' failed. Check the logs for more information." % entry.to_string()) raise proc_time = time.time() - start self._log("debug", "Processing of entry '%s' took %.2fs." % (entry.to_string(), proc_time)) def _process_ifps(self, entry): start = time.time() self._log("debug", "Starting IFP processing for entry '%s'." % entry.to_string()) try: pkl_file = "%s/chunks/%s.pkl.gz" % (self.working_path, entry.to_string()) if exists(pkl_file): # Reload results. entry_results = EntryResults.load(pkl_file) atm_grps_mngr = entry_results.atm_grps_mngr # Generate a new IFP. ifp = self._create_ifp(atm_grps_mngr) # Substitute old IFP by the new version and save the project. entry_results.ifp = ifp else: raise FileNotFoundError("The IFP of the entry '%s' could not be generated because its pickled " "data file '%s' was not found." % (entry.to_string(), pkl_file)) except Exception: self._log("debug", "IFP processing for entry '%s' failed. Check the logs for more information." % entry.to_string()) raise proc_time = time.time() - start self._log("debug", "IFP processing for entry '%s' took %.2fs." % (entry.to_string(), proc_time)) def __call__(self): if len(self.entries) == 0: warnings.warn("There is nothing to be done as no entry was informed.") return start = time.time() self._prepare_project_path() self._init_logging_file(self.logging_file) self.remove_duplicate_entries() self._log("info", "It will verify the existence of PDB files and download them as necessary.") self.verify_pdb_files_existence() self._log("info", "Entries processing will start. Number of entries to be processed is: %d." % len(self.entries)) self._log("info", "The number of processes was set to: %s." % str(self.nproc)) # Run jobs either in Parallel or Sequentially (nproc = None). pj = ParallelJobs(self.nproc) job_results = pj.run_jobs(args=self.entries, consumer_func=self._process_entry, job_name="Entries processing") self.errors = job_results.errors # Remove failed entries. if self.errors: entries_with_error = set([e[0].to_string() for e in self.errors]) self.entries = [e for e in self.entries if e.to_string() not in entries_with_error] # If all molecules failed, it won't try to create fingerprints. if len(self.entries) == 0: self._log("critical", "Entries processing failed.") else: self._log("info", "Entries processing finished successfully.") # Warn the users for any errors found during the entries processing. if self.errors: self._log("warning", "Number of entries with errors: %d. Check the log file to see the complete list of entries that failed." % len(entries_with_error)) self._log("debug", "Entries that failed: %s." % ", ".join([e for e in entries_with_error])) # Generate IFP/MFP files if self.calc_ifp: self._create_ifp_file() if self.calc_mfp: self._create_mfp_file() if self.ifp_sim_matrix_output and len(self.entries) > 1: self._log("info", "Calculating the Tanimoto similarity between fingerprints.") self._generate_similarity_matrix(self.ifp_sim_matrix_output) # Save the whole project information. # Remove unnecessary paths. self._remove_empty_paths() end = time.time() self._log("info", "Project creation completed!!!") self._log("info", "Total processing time: %.2fs." % (end - start)) self._log("info", "Results were saved at %s." % self.working_path) self._log("info", "You can reload your project from %s.\n\n" % self.project_file) # Properly close any filehandlers. self._close_logging_file()
[docs] def generate_ifps(self): """Generate LUNA interaction fingerprints (IFPs). This function can be used to generate new IFPs after a project is run. Thus, you can reload your project, vary IFP parameters (``ifp_num_levels``, ``ifp_radius_step``, ``ifp_length``, ``ifp_count``, ``ifp_diff_comp_classes``, ``ifp_type``, ``ifp_output``), and call `generate_ifps` to create new IFPs without having to run the project from the scratch. Examples -------- In the below example, we will assume a LUNA project object named ``proj_obj`` already exists. >>> from luna.interaction.fp.type import IFPType >>> proj_obj.ifp_num_levels = 5 >>> proj_obj.ifp_radius_step = 1 >>> proj_obj.ifp_length = 4096 >>> proj_obj.ifp_type = IFPType.EIFP >>> proj_obj.ifp_output = "EIFP-4096__length-5__radius-1.csv" >>> proj_obj.generate_ifps() """ if len(self.entries) == 0: warnings.warn("There is nothing to be done as no entry was informed.") return start = time.time() self.calc_ifp = True self.overwrite_path = False if self.ifp_output is None: self._prepare_project_path(subdirs=["results", "results/fingerprints"]) # Create a new directory for logs. if self.logging_enabled: if not exists("%s/logs/" % self.working_path): self._prepare_project_path(subdirs=["logs"]) self._init_logging_file(self.logging_file) self._log("info", "Fingerprint generation will start. Number of entries to be processed is: %d." % len(self.entries)) self._log("info", "The number of processes was set to: %s." % str(self.nproc)) # Run jobs either in Parallel or Sequentially (nproc = None). pj = ParallelJobs(self.nproc) job_results = pj.run_jobs(args=self.entries, consumer_func=self._process_ifps, job_name="Fingerprint generation") self.errors = job_results.errors tmp_entries = self.entries # Remove failed entries. if self.errors: entries_with_error = set([e[0].to_string() for e in self.errors]) tmp_entries = [e for e in self.entries if e.to_string() not in entries_with_error] # If all molecules failed, it won't try to create the output file. if len(tmp_entries) == 0: self._log("critical", "Fingerprint generation failed.") else: self._log("info", "Fingerprint generation finished successfully.") # Warn the users for any errors found during the entries processing. if self.errors: self._log("warning", "Number of entries with errors: %d. Check the log file to see the complete list of entries that failed." % len(entries_with_error)) self._log("debug", "Entries that failed: %s." % ", ".join([e for e in entries_with_error])) # Generate IFP/MFP files if self.calc_ifp: self._create_ifp_file() if self.calc_mfp: self._create_mfp_file() if self.ifp_sim_matrix_output and len(self.entries) > 1: self._log("info", "Calculating the Tanimoto similarity between fingerprints.") self._generate_similarity_matrix(self.ifp_sim_matrix_output) # Remove unnecessary paths. self._remove_empty_paths() end = time.time() self._log("info", "Total processing time: %.2fs." % (end - start)) self._log("info", "Results were saved at %s.\n\n" % self.working_path) # Properly close any filehandlers. self._close_logging_file()