Source code for luna.util.file

from os.path import basename, exists, isdir, isfile, splitext
from os import makedirs, remove, listdir
from shutil import rmtree
import string
import logging
import pickle
import gzip

from luna.util.exceptions import FileNotCreated, PKLNotReadError
from luna.util import new_random_string

logger = logging.getLogger()

[docs]def detect_compression_format(filename): """ Attempts to detect compression format from the filename extension. Returns None if no format could be detected. """ if filename.endswith('.bz2'): return "bz2" elif filename.endswith('.xz'): return "xz" elif filename.endswith('.gz'): return "gz" else: return None
[docs]def get_file_format(path, max_split=None, ignore_compression=False): """Detect the file format from pathname ``path``. Parameters ---------- path : str The pathname. max_split : int or None Specifies how many splits to do. The default value is None, which is "all occurrences". ignore_compression: bool, optional Ignore compression format. The default value is False, which does not ignore compression format. Returns ------- filename : str The file format. """ if ignore_compression is True: comp_format = detect_compression_format(path) if comp_format: path = path[:-(len(comp_format) + 1)] return generic_splitext(path, max_split)[1][1:]
[docs]def get_filename(path, max_split=None): """Detect the filename from pathname ``path``. Parameters ---------- path : str The pathname. max_split : int or None Specifies how many splits to do. The default value is None, which is "all occurrences". Returns ------- filename : str The filename. """ return generic_splitext(path, max_split)[0]
[docs]def generic_splitext(path, max_split=None): """Split the pathname ``path`` into a pair (``filename``, ``ext``). Parameters ---------- path : str The pathname. max_split : int or None Specifies how many splits to do. The default value is None, which is "all occurrences". Returns ------- filename : str The filename. ext: str The file extension. """ filename = basename(path) num_ext = filename.count('.') + 1 if max_split is None or max_split < 1: max_split = num_ext else: max_split = min(max_split, num_ext) filename, ext = splitext(filename) max_split -= 1 while max_split > 0: filename, tmp_ext = splitext(filename) ext = tmp_ext + ext max_split -= 1 return (filename, ext)
[docs]def generate_json_file(json_data, output_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True): """Serialize ``json_data`` to a JSON formatted string and save it at ``output_file``. Parameters ---------- json_data : object The data to be serialized. output_file : str The output file where the serialized data will be saved. indent : int If indent is a non-negative integer or string, then JSON array elements and object members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. An indent level of 0, negative, or "" will only insert newlines. None selects the most compact representation. Using a positive integer indent indents that many spaces per level. If indent is a string (such as "\t"), that string is used to indent each level. The default value is 4. sort_keys : bool If ``sort_keys`` is True, the output of dictionaries will be sorted by key. """ try: import simplejson as json logger.warning("Module 'simplejson' imported.") except ImportError: logger.warning("Module 'simplejson' not available. Built-in module 'json' will be imported.") import json try: with open(output_file, "w") as IN: json.dump(json_data, IN, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) raise
[docs]def parse_json_file(json_file): """Deserialize the JSON file ``json_file``. Parameters ---------- json_file : str The input JSON file. Returns ------- json_data : object The deserialized data. """ try: import simplejson as json logger.warning("Module 'simplejson' imported.") except ImportError: logger.warning("Module 'simplejson' not available. Built-in module 'json' will be imported.") import json try: with open(json_file, "r") as IN: return json.load(IN) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) raise
[docs]def create_directory(path, clear=False): """Create the directory pathaname ``path``. Parameters ---------- path : str The directory pathname to be created. clear : bool If True, clear the directory if already exists. The default value is False. """ try: if not exists(path): makedirs(path) elif clear:"The directory '%s' already exists, and it will be cleared before the program continues." % path) remove_directory(path) else:"The directory '%s' already exists, but it will not be cleared." % path) except OSError as e: logger.exception(e) raise
[docs]def remove_files(files): """Remove the provided files. Parameters ---------- files : iterable An iterable object containing a sequence of files to be removed. """ for f in files: if exists(f): remove(f) else:"File '%s' does not exist." % f)
[docs]def remove_directory(path, only_empty_paths=False): """Remove the directory given by the pathname ``path``. Parameters ---------- path : str The pathname. only_empty_paths: bool, optional If True, do not remove non-empty directories. The default value is False, which removes all directories. """ if isdir(path): # Do nothing if the directory is not empty and if only empty paths must be removed. if only_empty_paths and len(listdir(path)) != 0: return try: rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) except OSError: raise
[docs]def new_unique_filename(path, size=32, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, retries=5): """Generate a new unique random pathname. Parameters ---------- path : str The target pathname. size : int, optional The size of the new filename. The default value is 32. chars : iterable, optional A sequence of characters to choose from. The default value is 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'. retries : int, optional The function will keep trying to generate a unique filename (not exist in the pathname ``path``) until the maximum number of retries ``retries`` is reached. Returns ------- unique_pathname : str A new random unique pathname (path + random filename). """ for r in range(retries): filename = '%s/%s' % (path, new_random_string(size, chars)) if not exists(filename): return filename
[docs]def validate_filesystem(path, type): """Validate if a file or directory exists and if it has the expected type. Parameters ---------- path : str The pathname of the file or directory to be validated. type : {'file', 'directory'} The filesystem type. Raises ------- FileNotFoundError If the file or directory given by the pathname ``path`` does not exist. IsADirectoryError If a file is provided but a directory is found instead at the pathname ``path``. NotADirectoryError If the filesystem given by the pathname ``path`` is not a directory. """ if exists(path) is False: raise FileNotFoundError("File or directory '%s' does not exist" % path) if type == "file" and isfile(path) is False: raise IsADirectoryError("'%s' is not a file." % path) elif type == "directory" and isdir(path) is False: raise NotADirectoryError("'%s' is not a directory." % path)
[docs]def is_directory_valid(path): """Check if ``path`` exists and if it is in fact a directory.""" try: validate_filesystem(path, "directory") return True except Exception: return False
[docs]def is_file_valid(path): """Check if ``path`` exists and if it is in fact a file.""" try: validate_filesystem(path, "file") return True except Exception: return False
[docs]def validate_directory(path): """Validate ``path`` as a directory.""" validate_filesystem(path, "directory")
[docs]def validate_file(path): """Validate ``path`` as a file.""" validate_filesystem(path, "file")
[docs]def pickle_data(data, output_file, compressed=True): """Write the pickled representation of the object ``data`` to the file ``output_file``. Parameters ---------- data : object The object to be pickled. output_file : str The output file where the pickled representation will be saved. compressed : bool, optional If True (the default), compress the pickled representation as a gzip file (.gz). Raises ------- FileNotCreated If the file could not be created. """ open_func = open if compressed: open_func = if output_file.endswith(".gz") is False: output_file += ".gz" try: with open_func(output_file, "wb") as OUT: pickle.dump(data, OUT, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) except OSError as e: raise FileNotCreated("File '%s' could not be created." % output_file) from e except Exception: raise
[docs]def unpickle_data(input_file): """Read the pickled representation of an object from the file ``input_file`` and return the reconstituted object hierarchy specified therein. ``input_file`` can be a gzip-compressed file. Raises ------- PKLNotReadError If the file could not be loaded. """ try: # Try to decompress and unpickle the data first. with, "rb") as IN: return pickle.load(IN) except Exception: pass # If the decompression failed, let's try to unpickle the file directly. Maybe it is not a compressed file. try: with open(input_file, "rb") as IN: return pickle.load(IN) except OSError as e: raise PKLNotReadError("File '%s' could not be loaded." % input_file) from e