luna.wrappers.pymol module

class PymolSessionManager(show_cartoon=False, bg_color='white', add_directional_arrows=True, show_res_labels=True, inter_color=<luna.util.ColorPallete object>, pse_export_version='1.8')[source]

Bases: object

Class to start, manage, and save Pymol sessions. This class provides useful built-in functions to load PDB/Mol files and show interactions.


This class is not intended to be used directly because set_view() is not implemented by default. Instead, you should use a class that inherits from PymolSessionManager and implements set_view(). An example is the class InteractionViewer that implements a custom set_view() to show interactions. Therefore, you should define your own logic beyond set_view() to save a Pymol session that meets your goals.

  • show_cartoon (bool) – If True, show the protein structure as cartoons.

  • bg_color (str) – The background color. The default value is “white”. Check Pymol to discover which colors are available.

  • add_directional_arrows (bool) – If True, show arrows for directional interactions (e.g., hydrogen bonds and multipolar interactions).

  • show_res_labels (bool) – If True (the default), show residue labels.

  • inter_color (ColorPallete) – A Pymol-compatible color scheme for interactions. The default value is PYMOL_INTERACTION_COLOR.

  • pse_export_version (str) – Define a legacy format for saving Pymol sessions (PSE files). The default value os ‘1.8’.


Clear all objects and resets all parameters to default.

load_pdb(pdb_file, pdb_obj, mol_block=None, is_ftmap_output=False)[source]

Load molecules from PDB files to the current Pymol session.

Optionally, ligands can also be loaded from a separate molecular string block. This is especially useful when working with docked molecules in which the protein structure is in a PDB file and ligands are in a separate molecular file.

  • pdb_file (str) – The pathname of the PDB file to be loaded.

  • pdb_obj (str) – Pymol object to store the loaded structure.

  • mol_block (str, optional) – A molecular string block to load together with the PDB file.

  • is_ftmap_output (bool) – If the PDB file is an FTMap output. If so, an additional processing step is performed to standardize the loaded Pymol objects.

new_session(data, output_file)[source]

Start a new session, which includes the following steps:

  • Start a new Pymol session (start_session());

  • Set the view (set_view());

  • Save the Pymol session to output_file;

  • Finish the Pymol session.

  • data (iterable) – Data to be processed by set_view().

  • output_file (str) – The pathname to where the Pymol session will be saved.


Save the Pymol session as a PSE file of name output_file.

set_interactions_view(interactions, main_grp, secondary_grp=None)[source]

Display molecular interactions.

  • interactions (iterable of InteractionType) – A sequence of interactions to show.

  • main_grp (str) – Main Pymol object to store atom groups.

  • secondary_grp (str, optional) – Secondary Pymol object to store interactions. If not provided, main_grp will be used instead.


This method can be called to apply final modifications to the Pymol session. In its default version, the following modifications are applied:

  • Dash radius for interactions is set to 0.08;

  • Labels are set to bold and their size is set to 20;

  • Atomic spheres’ scale is set to 0.3;

  • Hydrogen atoms are hidden;

  • The view is centered within the visible objects.


Set the session view. However, this method is not implemented by default. Instead, you should use a class that inherits from PymolSessionManager and implements set_view(). An example is the class InteractionViewer that implements a custom set_view() to show interactions. Therefore, you should define your own logic beyond set_view() to save a Pymol session that meets your goals.


data (iterable) – The data that will be used to set the Pymol view.


Start a new session and set Pymol settings, including the background color and the PSE export version.

class PymolWrapper[source]

Bases: object

This class provides functions to provide easy access to common functions from Pymol.

add_pseudoatom(name, opts=None)[source]

Create a molecular object with a pseudoatom or add a pseudoatom to a molecular object if the specified object already exists.

  • name (str) – The object name to create or modify.

  • opts (dict) – A set of options to create the pseudoatom. Check Pymol to discover which options are available.

align(mobile, target, opts=None)[source]

Align the structure mobile to the target structure.

  • mobile (str) – The structure to be aligned given by an atomic selection.

  • target (str) – The target structure given by an atomic selection.

  • opts (dict) – Alignment options. Check Pymol to discover which options are available.

alter(selection, expression)[source]

Modify atomic properties.

  • selection (str) – The expression to select atoms.

  • expression (str) – Expression in Python language to define which properties should be modified. This can be used, for instance, to rename an atom or chain.


Alter the name of a ligand carbon from ‘C1’ to ‘CA’.

>>> pw_obj.alter("hetatm and name C1", "name='CA'")

Alter the chain A name to ‘Z’.

>>> pw_obj.alter("chain A", "chain='Z'")
arrow(name, atm_sel1, atm_sel2, opts=None)[source]

Draw an arrow object between two atoms given by their selection-expressions.

  • name (str) – Name of the arrow object to create.

  • sel1 (str) – The expression to select the first atom.

  • sel2 (str) – The expression to select the second atom.

  • opts (dict) – A set of options to create the arrow. Check Pymol to discover which options are available.


Translate the window, the clipping slab, and the origin to a point centered within the selection.


Color objects and atoms.


tuples (iterable of tuple) – Each tuple should contain a color (e.g., ‘red’) and a selection (e.g., ‘hetatm’).

color_by_element(selections, c_color='green')[source]

Color atoms by their default element color (e.g., oxygen in red).

  • selections (iterable of str) – A sequence of selections to define which atoms will be colored by element.

  • c_color ({‘green’, ‘cyan’, ‘light magenta’, ‘yellow’, ‘salmon’, ‘white’, ‘slate’, ‘bright orange’, ‘purple’, ‘pink’}) – The carbon color. The default value is ‘green’.

create(name, selection)[source]

Create a new molecular object from a selection.

Note that the selected atoms won’t be extracted from the original object. Instead, a copy of them will be created in the new object.

  • name (str) – The object name to be created.

  • selection (str) – The expression to select atoms.


Delete the provided selections.


selections (iterable of str) – A sequence of selections to be deleted. Wildcards can be used to define object or selection names.

distance(name, sel1, sel2)[source]

Create a new distance object between two atoms given by their selection-expressions.

  • name (str) – Name of the distance object to create.

  • sel1 (str) – The expression to select the first atom.

  • sel2 (str) – The expression to select the second atom.


Perform multiple extractions, i.e., extract atoms from an object to another object.


tuples (iterable of tuple) – Each tuple should contain the object name to where atoms will be added and the selection itself that defines which atoms will be extracted (e.g., ‘hetatm’).


Expose the Pymol cmd object, so that one can call Pymol functions directly.


Get atomic coordinates for a given atom selection.


selection (str) – The expression to select atoms.


Atomic coordinates (x, y, z) of each atom selected.

Return type

array_like of float (size 3)


Get names of objects, grouped objects, or selections.


obj_type ({‘objects’, ‘selections’, ‘all’, ‘public_objects’, ‘public_selections’, ‘public_nongroup_objects’, ‘public_group_objects’, ‘nongroup_objects’, ‘group_objects’}) – The target object type.

Return type

list of str

group(name, members, action=None)[source]

Create or update a group object.

  • name (str) – The group name to create or update.

  • members (iterable of str) – The objects to include in the group.

  • action ({‘add’, ‘remove’, ‘open’, ‘close’, ‘toggle’, ‘auto’, ‘empty’, ‘purge’, ‘excise’}, optional) – An action to take. If not provided, the default value ‘auto’ will be used instead. The description of the actions are described below (source: Pymol documentation):

    • add: add members to group.

    • remove: remove members from group (members will be ungrouped).

    • empty: remove all members from group.

    • purge: remove all members from group and delete them.

    • excise: remove all members from group and delete group.

    • open: expand group display in object menu panel.

    • close: collapse group display in object menu panel.

    • toggle: toggle group display in object menu panel.

    • auto: add or toggle.


Check if a group of objects exists given by its name name.


Hide atom and bond representations for certain selections.


tuples (iterable of tuple) – Each tuple should contain a Pymol representation (e.g., ‘sticks’) and a selection (e.g., ‘hetatm’).


Hide all representations.


Draw text labels for PyMOL objects.


tuples (iterable of tuple) – Each tuple should contain a selection (e.g., ‘hetatm’) and some string to label the given selection.

load(input_file, obj_name=None)[source]

Load a molecular file (e.g., PDB files).

  • input_file (str) – The pathname of the molecular file to be loaded.

  • obj_name (str, optional) – Pymol object to store the loaded structure. If not provided, the filename will be used instead.

load_mol_from_pdb_block(pdb_block, obj_name)[source]

Load a molecular file from a PDB block string.

  • pdb_block (str) – The PDB block string.

  • obj_name (str) – Pymol object to store the loaded structure.


Check if an object exists given by its name name.


Terminate Pymol.


Clear all objects and resets all parameters to default.


Remove a selection of atoms from models.


selections (iterable of str) – A sequence of selections to define which atoms will be removed.

run(func_name, opts)[source]

Run a Pymol command func_name with parameters opts.

  • func_name (str) – The Pymol command name.

  • opts (dict) – Parameters to pass to the command.


Run a set of Pymol commands.


commands (iterable of tuple) – Each tuple should contain a Pymol command and its parameters. See run() to more details.

save_png(output_file, width=1200, height=1200, dpi=100, ray=1)[source]

Save the current Pymol session as a PNG format image file.

  • output_file (str) – The output image pathname.

  • width (int) – The width in pixels. The default value is 1,200.

  • height (int or str) – The height in pixels. The default value is 1,200.

  • dpi (float) – Dots-per-inch. The default value is 100.

  • ray ({0, 1}) – If 1 (the default), run ray first to make high-resolution photos.


Save the current PyMOL state to a PSE format file to later use.


output_file (str) – The output pathname.


Check if a selection exists given by its name name.

select(selection, name='sele', enable=0)[source]

Create a named selection from an atom selection.

  • selection (str) – The expression to select atoms.

  • name (str) – The selection name, which by default is ‘sele’.

  • enable ({0, 1}) – If 1, activate the selection, i.e., show selection indicators. The default value is 0, which implies the selection indicators won’t be shown.

set(name, value, opts=None)[source]

Modify global, object, object-state, or per-atom settings.

  • name (str) – The setting name to modify.

  • value (str) – The new setting value.

  • opts (dict) – A set of options. Check Pymol to discover which options are available.


Display atom and bond representations for certain selections.


tuples (iterable of tuple) – Each tuple should contain a Pymol representation (e.g., ‘sticks’) and a selection (e.g., ‘hetatm’).


Transform an Entity instance into a Pymol selection-expression, which can then be used to select atoms in a Pymol session.


entity (Entity) – An entity to be transformed into a Pymol selection-expression.


The Pymol selection-expression.

Return type



First, let’s parse a PDB file to work with.

>>> from luna.util.default_values import LUNA_PATH
>>> from luna.MyBio.PDB.PDBParser import PDBParser
>>> pdb_parser = PDBParser(PERMISSIVE=True, QUIET=True)
>>> structure = pdb_parser.get_structure("Protein", f"{LUNA_PATH}/tutorial/inputs/3QQK.pdb")

Now, let’s get the Pymol selection-expression for the chain A.

>>> from luna.wrappers.pymol import mybio_to_pymol_selection
>>> print(mybio_to_pymol_selection(structure[0]['A']))
chain A

Finally, we can get the Pymol selection-expression for the ligand X02.

>>> from luna.wrappers.pymol import mybio_to_pymol_selection
>>> print(mybio_to_pymol_selection(structure[0]["A"][('H_X02', 497, ' ')]))
resn X02 AND res 497 AND chain A