Source code for luna.MyBio.util

import tempfile
import logging
from io import StringIO
from os.path import exists
from shutil import move as rename_pdb_file
from itertools import product, combinations

from openbabel import openbabel as ob
from openbabel.pybel import readfile
from openbabel.pybel import Molecule as PybelWrapper

from rdkit.Chem import MolFromMolBlock, MolFromMolFile, SanitizeFlags, SanitizeMol, MolToMolFile

from luna.util.file import is_directory_valid, new_unique_filename, remove_files
from luna.util.default_values import ENTRY_SEPARATOR, OPENBABEL
from luna.MyBio.selector import AtomSelector
from luna.MyBio.PDB.PDBList import PDBList
from luna.MyBio.PDB.PDBIO import Select
from luna.MyBio.PDB import Selection
from luna.MyBio.PDB.PDBIO import PDBIO
from luna.MyBio.PDB.PDBParser import PDBParser
from luna.mol.validator import MolValidator
from luna.mol.standardiser import ResiduesStandardiser
from luna.wrappers.base import MolWrapper
from luna.wrappers.obabel import convert_molecule
from luna.wrappers.rdkit import read_mol_from_file

from luna.util.exceptions import (IllegalArgumentError, MoleculeNotFoundError, ChainNotFoundError,
                                  FileNotCreated, PDBNotReadError, MoleculeSizeError, MoleculeObjectError)

logger = logging.getLogger()

                     "R": "Residue",
                     "C": "Chain",
                     "M": "Model",
                     "S": "Structure"}

[docs]def download_pdb(pdb_id, output_path=".", overwrite=False): """Download a PDB file from Parameters ---------- pdb_id : str 4-symbols structure Id from PDB (e.g. 3J92). output_path : str Put the PDB file in this directory. overwrite : bool If True, overwrite any existing PDB files. """ logger.debug("It will try to download the PDB '%s' and store it at the directory '%s'." % (pdb_id, output_path)) if pdb_id is not None and pdb_id.strip() != "": if is_directory_valid(output_path): new_pdb_file = "%s/%s.pdb" % (output_path, pdb_id) # If the file already exists and is not to overwrite the file, do nothing. if overwrite is False and not exists(new_pdb_file): pdbl = PDBList() pdbl.retrieve_pdb_file(pdb_id, pdir=output_path, file_format="pdb", overwrite=overwrite) logger.debug("Download of the PDB '%s' completed." % pdb_id) # Rename files. cur_pdb_file = '%s/pdb%s.ent' % (output_path, pdb_id.lower()) rename_pdb_file(cur_pdb_file, new_pdb_file) else: logger.debug("File '%s' already exists. It will not be downloaded again." % new_pdb_file) else: raise IllegalArgumentError("An empty PDB id ('%s') was informed." % pdb_id)
[docs]def parse_from_file(pdb_id, file): """Read a PDB file and return a :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Structure.Structure` object. Parameters ---------- pdb_id : str The structure identifier. file : str Pathname of the PDB file. Returns ------- structure : :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Structure.Structure` The parsed PDB file as a :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Structure.Structure` object. Raises ------ PDBNotReadError If the PDB file could not be parsed. """ try: parser = PDBParser(PERMISSIVE=True, QUIET=True, FIX_EMPTY_CHAINS=True, FIX_ATOM_NAME_CONFLICT=True, FIX_OBABEL_FLAGS=False) structure = parser.get_structure(pdb_id, file) return structure except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) raise PDBNotReadError("File '%s' could not be parsed." % file)
[docs]def save_to_file(entity, output_file, select=Select(), write_conects=True, write_end=True, preserve_atom_numbering=True): """Write a Structure object (or a subset of a :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Structure.Structure` object) into a file. Parameters ---------- entity : :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Entity.Entity` The PDB object to be saved. output_file : str Save the selected atoms to this file. select : :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.PDBIO.Select` Decide which atoms will be saved at the PDB output. By default, all atoms are accepted. write_conects : bool If True, write CONECT records. write_end : bool If True, write the END record. preserve_atom_numbering : bool If True, preserve the atom numbering. Otherwise, re-enumerate the atom serial numbers. """ try: io = PDBIO() io.set_structure(entity), select=select, write_conects=write_conects, write_end=write_end, preserve_atom_numbering=preserve_atom_numbering) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) raise FileNotCreated("PDB file '%s' could not be created." % output_file)
[docs]def entity_to_string(entity, select=Select(), write_conects=True, write_end=True, preserve_atom_numbering=True): """Convert a Structure object (or a subset of a :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Structure.Structure` object) to string. This function works on a structural level. That means if ``entity`` is not a :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Structure.Structure` object, the structure will be recovered directly from ``entity``. Therefore, use ``select`` to select specific chains, residues, and atoms from the structure object. Parameters ---------- entity : :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Entity.Entity` The PDB object to be converted. select : :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.PDBIO.Select` Decides which atoms will be saved at the output. By default, all atoms are accepted. write_conects : bool If True, writes CONECT records. write_end : bool If True, writes the END record. preserve_atom_numbering : bool If True, preserve the atom numbering. Otherwise, re-enumerate the atom serial numbers. Returns ------- str The converted ``entity``. """ fh = StringIO() io = PDBIO() io.set_structure(entity), select=select, write_conects=write_conects, write_end=write_end, preserve_atom_numbering=preserve_atom_numbering) return ''.join(fh.readlines())
[docs]def get_entity_from_entry(entity, entry, model=0): """Get a :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Entity.Chain` or :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Residue.Residue` instance based on the provided entry ``entry``. Parameters ---------- entity : :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Entity.Entity` The PDB object to recover the target entry from. entry : :class:`~luna.entry.Entry` The target entry. model : int The PDB model where the entry could be found. The default value is 0. Returns ------- :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Entity.Entity` The target entry. Raises ------ MoleculeNotFoundError If the entry's molecule was not found in ``entity``. ChainNotFoundError If the entry's chain was not found in ``entity``. """ structure = entity.get_parent_by_level("S") model = structure[model] if entry.chain_id in model.child_dict: chain = model[entry.chain_id] if entry.comp_name is not None and entry.comp_num is not None: ligand_key = entry.get_biopython_key() if ligand_key in chain.child_dict: target_entity = chain[ligand_key] else: raise MoleculeNotFoundError("Ligand '%s' does not exist in the PDB '%s'." % (entry.to_string(ENTRY_SEPARATOR), structure.get_id())) else: target_entity = chain else: raise ChainNotFoundError("The informed chain id '%s' for the ligand entry '%s' does not exist in the PDB '%s'." % (entry.chain_id, entry.to_string(ENTRY_SEPARATOR), structure.get_id())) return target_entity
[docs]def is_covalently_bound(atm1, atm2): """Verifies if atoms ``atm1`` and ``atm2`` are covalently bound.""" # Distance atom-atom dist = atm1 - atm2 # Covalent radius cov1 = ob.GetCovalentRad(ob.GetAtomicNum(atm1.element)) cov2 = ob.GetCovalentRad(ob.GetAtomicNum(atm2.element)) # OpenBabel thresholds. if 0.4 <= dist <= cov1 + cov2 + 0.45: return True return False
[docs]def get_residue_cov_bonds(residue, select=Select()): """Get covalently bound atoms from residues or other molecules. Parameters ---------- residue : :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Residue.Residue` The residue or other molecule from which covalently bound atoms will be recovered. select : :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.PDBIO.Select` Decides which atoms will be consired. By default, all atoms are accepted. Returns ------- list of tuple(:class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Atom.Atom`, :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Atom.Atom`) List of pairs of covalently bound atoms. """ # Get valid atoms according to the provided selection function. trgt_res_atms = { atm for atm in residue.get_atoms() if select.accept_atom(atm)} cov_bonds = [] for atm1, atm2 in combinations(trgt_res_atms.values(), 2): if is_covalently_bound(atm1, atm2): cov_bonds.append((atm1, atm2)) return cov_bonds
[docs]def get_residue_neighbors(residue, select=Select()): """Get all neighbors from a residue. In the case of an amino acid that is part of a peptide bond, its neighbors are any predecessor or successor residues. The same idea applies to nucleic acids. Parameters ---------- residue : :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Residue.Residue` The residue or other molecule from which covalently bound molecules will be recovered. select : :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.PDBIO.Select` Decides which atoms will be consired. By default, all atoms are accepted. Returns ------- neighbors : dict of {str : :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Residue.Residue`} A dictionary containing the predecessor (``previous``) or successor (``next``) molecules. """ # Get valid atoms according to the provided selection function. trgt_res_atms = { atm for atm in residue.get_atoms() if select.accept_atom(atm)} if residue.is_residue(): if "N" not in trgt_res_atms: logger.debug("There is a missing N in the residue %s. It may have been filtered out by the provided " "selection function. So, the predecessor residue cannot be identified." % residue) if "C" not in trgt_res_atms: logger.debug("There is a missing C in the residue %s. It may have been filtered out by the provided " "selection function. So, the successor residue cannot be identified." % residue) # If neither N and C are available in the valid atom list. if "N" not in trgt_res_atms and "C" not in trgt_res_atms: return {} neighbors = {} # If the chain has a residue coming before the target residue. if residue.idx - 1 >= 0: # First residue before the target in the chain list. prev_res = residue.parent.child_list[residue.idx - 1] # Get valid atoms according to the provided selection function. prev_res_atms = { atm for atm in prev_res.get_atoms() if select.accept_atom(atm)} # A peptide bond exists between the C of one amino acid and the N of another. if "C" in prev_res_atms and "N" in trgt_res_atms: if is_covalently_bound(trgt_res_atms["N"], prev_res_atms["C"]): neighbors["previous"] = prev_res else: logger.debug("The first residue before %s is too distant to fulfill the covalent thresholds. " "It may be an indication of bad atom positioning or that there are missing residues." % residue) elif "C" not in prev_res_atms: logger.debug("There is a missing C in %s, the first residue before %s in the chain list. " "It may have been filtered out by the provided selection function. " "So, the predecessor residue cannot be identified." % (prev_res, residue)) # Otherwise, it could mean that the residue is the first one in the sequence or there are missing residues. else: logger.debug("The residue %s seems not to have any predecessor residue. " "It may be the first in the chain sequence or there are missing residues." % residue) # If the chain has a residue coming after the target residue. if residue.idx + 1 < len(residue.parent.child_list): # First residue after the target in the chain list. next_res = residue.parent.child_list[residue.idx + 1] # Get valid atoms according to the provided selection function. next_res_atms = { atm for atm in next_res.get_atoms() if select.accept_atom(atm)} # A peptide bond exists between the C of one amino acid and the N of another. if "C" in trgt_res_atms and "N" in next_res_atms: if is_covalently_bound(trgt_res_atms["C"], next_res_atms["N"]): neighbors["next"] = next_res else: logger.debug("The first residue after %s is too distant to fulfill the covalent thresholds. " "It may be an indication of bad atom positioning or that there are missing residues." % residue) elif "N" in next_res_atms: logger.debug("There is a missing N in %s, the first residue after %s in the chain list. " "It may have been filtered out by the provided selection function. " "So, the predecessor residue cannot be identified." % (next_res, residue)) # Otherwise, it could mean that the residue is the last one in the sequence or there are missing residues. else: logger.debug("The residue %s seems not to have any successor residue. " "It may be the last in the chain sequence or there are missing residues." % residue) return neighbors else: # First residue before the target in the chain list. prev_res = residue.parent.child_list[residue.idx - 1] # Get valid atoms according to the provided selection function. prev_res_atms = { atm for atm in prev_res.get_atoms() if select.accept_atom(atm)} neighbors = {} # If the chain has a residue coming before the target residue. if residue.idx - 1 >= 0: # First residue before the target in the chain list. prev_res = residue.parent.child_list[residue.idx - 1] # Get valid atoms according to the provided selection function. prev_res_atms = { atm for atm in prev_res.get_atoms() if select.accept_atom(atm)} for trgt_atm, prev_atm in product(trgt_res_atms.values(), prev_res_atms.values()): if is_covalently_bound(trgt_atm, prev_atm): neighbors["previous"] = prev_res break if "previous" not in neighbors: logger.debug("The first residue after %s is too distant to fulfill the covalent thresholds. " "It may be an indication of bad atom positioning or that there are missing residues." % residue) # Otherwise, it could mean that the residue is the first one in the sequence or there are missing residues. else: logger.debug("The residue %s seems not to have any predecessor residue. " "It may be the first in the chain sequence or there are missing residues." % residue) # If the chain has a residue coming after the target residue. if residue.idx + 1 < len(residue.parent.child_list): # First residue after the target in the chain list. next_res = residue.parent.child_list[residue.idx + 1] # Get valid atoms according to the provided selection function. next_res_atms = { atm for atm in next_res.get_atoms() if select.accept_atom(atm)} # Check each pair of atoms for covalently bonded atoms. for trgt_atm, next_atm in product(trgt_res_atms.values(), next_res_atms.values()): if is_covalently_bound(trgt_atm, next_atm): neighbors["next"] = next_res break if "next" not in neighbors: logger.debug("The first residue after %s is too distant to fulfill the covalent thresholds. " "It may be an indication of bad atom positioning or that there are missing residues." % residue) # Otherwise, it could mean that the residue is the last one in the sequence or there are missing residues. else: logger.debug("The residue %s seems not to have any successor residue. " "It may be the last in the chain sequence or there are missing residues." % residue) return neighbors return {}
[docs]def biopython_entity_to_mol(entity, select=Select(), validate_mol=True, standardize_mol=True, template=None, add_h=False, ph=None, break_metal_bonds=False, mol_obj_type="rdkit", wrapped=True, openbabel=OPENBABEL, tmp_path=None, keep_tmp_files=False): """Convert an object :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Entity.Entity` to a molecular object (:class:`~luna.wrappers.base.MolWrapper`, :class:`rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol`, or :class:`openbabel.pybel.Molecule`). Parameters ---------- entity : :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.Entity.Entity` The entity to be converted. select : :class:`~luna.MyBio.PDB.PDBIO.Select` Decide which atoms will be consired. By default, all atoms are accepted. validate_mol : bool If True, validate the converted molecule with :class:`~luna.mol.validator.MolValidator`. standardize_mol : bool If True, standardize the converted molecule. Currently, only residues are standardized as it uses :class:`luna.mol.standardiser.ResiduesStandardiser` by default. template : :class:`luna.mol.template.Template`, optional Fix the converted molecule's bond order based on the bond orders in a template molecule. The ``template`` should implement assign_bond_order(). add_h : bool If True, add hydrogen to the converted molecule. ph : float, optional Add hydrogens considering pH ``ph``. break_metal_bonds : bool If True, remove covalent bonds between residues and metals and fix the residue bond order. mol_obj_type : {"rdkit", "openbabel"} If "rdkit", parse the converted molecule with RDKit and return an instance of :class:`rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol`. If "openbabel", parse the converted molecule with Open Babel and return an instance of :class:`openbabel.pybel.Molecule`. If ``wrapped`` is True, the molecular object will be wrapped with :class:`~luna.wrappers.base.MolWrapper`. wrapped : bool If True, wrap the molecular object with :class:`~luna.wrappers.base.MolWrapper`. openbabel : str Pathname to Open Babel. Even if ``mol_obj_type`` is set to 'rdkit', this function uses Open Babel to properly parse PDB files and to add hydrogens to the molecule considering different pHs. tmp_path : str A temporary directory to where temporary files will be saved. If not provided, the system's default temporary directory will be used instead. keep_tmp_files : bool If True, keep all temporary files. Otherwise, removes them in the end. Returns ------- mol_obj : :class:`~luna.wrappers.base.MolWrapper`, :class:`rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol`, or :class:`openbabel.pybel.Molecule` The converted molecule. ignored_atoms : list List of ignored atoms. Currently, ignored atoms may contain only metals. """ tmp_path = tmp_path or tempfile.gettempdir() logger.debug("It will try to create a new MOL object from the provided entity.") logger.debug("Temporary files will be saved at '%s'." % tmp_path) # First it saves the selection into a PDB file and then it converts the file to .mol. # I had to do it because the OpenBabel 2.4.1 had a problem with some molecules containing aromatic rings. # In such cases, the aromatic ring was being wrongly perceived and some atoms received more double bonds than it # was expected. The version 2.3.2 works better. Therefore, I defined this version manually (openbabel property). filename = new_unique_filename(tmp_path) pdb_file = '%s_pdb-file.pdb' % filename logger.debug("First: try to create a new PDB file (%s) from the provided entity." % pdb_file) # Apparently, Open Babel creates a bug when it tries to parse a file with CONECTS containing serial numbers with more than 4 digits. # E.g.: 1OZH:A:HE3:1406, line CONECT162811627916282. By setting preserve_atom_numbering to False, it solves the problem. save_to_file(entity, pdb_file, select, preserve_atom_numbering=False) ini_input_file = pdb_file if template is not None: if entity.level == "R" and entity.is_hetatm(): # Note that the template molecule should have no explicit hydrogens else the algorithm will fail. rdmol = read_mol_from_file(pdb_file, mol_format="pdb", removeHs=True) new_rdmol = template.assign_bond_order(rdmol, entity.resname) ini_input_file = '%s_tmp-mol-file.mol' % filename MolToMolFile(new_rdmol, ini_input_file) if not keep_tmp_files: remove_files([pdb_file]) else: logger.warning("It cannot apply a template on the provided entity because it should be a single compound (Residue class).") # Convert the PDB file to Mol file with the proper protonation and hydrogen addition if required. mol_file = '%s_mol-file.mol' % filename ob_opt = {"error-level": 5} logger.debug("Next: try to convert the PDB file to .mol using Open Babel.") if add_h: logger.debug("Hydrogens will be added to the molecule.") if ph is not None: ob_opt["p"] = ph else: ob_opt["h"] = "" convert_molecule(ini_input_file, mol_file, opts=ob_opt, openbabel=openbabel) # Currently, ignored atoms are only metals. ignored_atoms = [] mol_obj = None if validate_mol or standardize_mol: logger.debug("Now: a validation will be performed and it will try to fix some errors.") try: mol_obj = next(readfile("mol", mol_file)) except Exception: raise MoleculeObjectError("An error occurred while parsing the file '%s' with Open Babel and the molecule " "object could not be created. Check the logs for more information." % mol_file) if standardize_mol: # Standardize a specific set of atoms if provided, otherwise use all atoms from entity. if isinstance(select, AtomSelector): target_atoms = select.entries else: target_atoms = Selection.unfold_entities(entity, 'A') # If the add_h property is set to False, the code will not remove any existing hydrogens from the PDB structure. # In these situations, the list of atoms may contain hydrogens. But, we do not need to attribute properties to hydrogens. # We just need them to correctly set properties to heavy atoms. So let's just ignore them. target_atoms = [atm for atm in target_atoms if select.accept_atom(atm) and atm.element != "H"] mol_obj = MolWrapper(mol_obj) if mol_obj.get_num_heavy_atoms() != len(target_atoms): raise MoleculeSizeError("The number of heavy atoms in the PDB selection and in the MOL file are different.") # Ignore hydrogen atoms. atm_obj_list = [atm for atm in mol_obj.get_atoms() if atm.get_atomic_num() != 1] atom_pairs = [] for i, atm_obj in enumerate(atm_obj_list): if target_atoms[i].parent.is_residue(): atom_pairs.append((atm_obj, target_atoms[i])) rs = ResiduesStandardiser(break_metal_bonds=break_metal_bonds) mol_obj.unwrap().DeleteHydrogens() rs.standardise(atom_pairs) for i, atm_obj in enumerate(atm_obj_list): if atm_obj.get_id() in rs.removed_atoms: ignored_atoms.append(target_atoms[i]) # After standardizing residues, we need to recreate the Mol file, otherwise implicit hydrogens will not be included in the # MOL object and, therefore, their coordinates could not be accessed. If you try to generate coordinates directly from the # object, hydrogens will be incorrectly placed. mol_obj = PybelWrapper(mol_obj.unwrap()) new_mol_file = '%s_tmp-mol-file.mol' % filename mol_obj.write("mol", new_mol_file, overwrite=True) # Overwrite mol_file by converting the new molecular file using the user specified parameters. # Note that right now it will add explicit hydrogens to the molecules according to the provided pH. convert_molecule(new_mol_file, mol_file, opts=ob_opt, openbabel=OPENBABEL) # Let's finally read the correct and standardized molecular file. try: mol_obj = next(readfile("mol", mol_file)) except Exception: raise MoleculeObjectError("An error occurred while parsing the file '%s' with Open Babel and the molecule " "object could not be created. Check the logs for more information." % mol_file) # Remove temporary files. if not keep_tmp_files: remove_files([new_mol_file]) mv = MolValidator() is_valid = mv.validate_mol(mol_obj) logger.debug('Validation finished!!!') if not is_valid: logger.warning("The molecular file '%s' contain invalid atoms. Check the logs for more information." % mol_file) if mol_obj_type == "rdkit": try: # The sanitization is set off. We will apply it in the next step. mol_obj = MolFromMolBlock(mol_obj.write('mol'), sanitize=False, removeHs=False) # Sanitize molecule is applied now, so we will be able to catch the exceptions raised by RDKit, # otherwise it would not be possible. SanitizeMol(mol_obj, SanitizeFlags.SANITIZE_ALL) except Exception: raise MoleculeObjectError("An error occurred while parsing the molecular block with RDKit. The block was " "generated by Open Babel from the file '%s'. Check the logs for more information." % mol_file) else: try: # Create a new Mol object. if mol_obj_type == "openbabel": mol_obj = next(readfile("mol", mol_file)) else: # The sanitization is set off. We will apply it in the next statement. mol_obj = MolFromMolFile(mol_file, sanitize=False, removeHs=False) # Sanitize molecule is applied now, so we will be able to catch the exceptions raised by RDKit, # otherwise it would not be possible. SanitizeMol(mol_obj, SanitizeFlags.SANITIZE_ALL) except Exception: tool = "Open Babel" if mol_obj_type == "openbabel" else "RDKit" raise MoleculeObjectError("An error occurred while parsing the file '%s' with %s and the molecule " "object could not be created. Check the logs for more information." % (mol_file, tool)) # Remove temporary files. if not keep_tmp_files: remove_files([ini_input_file, mol_file]) if wrapped: mol_obj = MolWrapper(mol_obj) return mol_obj, ignored_atoms