luna.MyBio.util module

biopython_entity_to_mol(entity, select=<Select all>, validate_mol=True, standardize_mol=True, template=None, add_h=False, ph=None, break_metal_bonds=False, mol_obj_type='rdkit', wrapped=True, openbabel='obabel', tmp_path=None, keep_tmp_files=False)[source]

Convert an object Entity to a molecular object (MolWrapper, rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol, or openbabel.pybel.Molecule).

  • entity (Entity) – The entity to be converted.

  • select (Select) – Decide which atoms will be consired. By default, all atoms are accepted.

  • validate_mol (bool) – If True, validate the converted molecule with MolValidator.

  • standardize_mol (bool) – If True, standardize the converted molecule. Currently, only residues are standardized as it uses luna.mol.standardiser.ResiduesStandardiser by default.

  • template (luna.mol.template.Template, optional) – Fix the converted molecule’s bond order based on the bond orders in a template molecule. The template should implement assign_bond_order().

  • add_h (bool) – If True, add hydrogen to the converted molecule.

  • ph (float, optional) – Add hydrogens considering pH ph.

  • break_metal_bonds (bool) – If True, remove covalent bonds between residues and metals and fix the residue bond order.

  • mol_obj_type ({“rdkit”, “openbabel”}) – If “rdkit”, parse the converted molecule with RDKit and return an instance of rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol. If “openbabel”, parse the converted molecule with Open Babel and return an instance of openbabel.pybel.Molecule. If wrapped is True, the molecular object will be wrapped with MolWrapper.

  • wrapped (bool) – If True, wrap the molecular object with MolWrapper.

  • openbabel (str) – Pathname to Open Babel. Even if mol_obj_type is set to ‘rdkit’, this function uses Open Babel to properly parse PDB files and to add hydrogens to the molecule considering different pHs.

  • tmp_path (str) – A temporary directory to where temporary files will be saved. If not provided, the system’s default temporary directory will be used instead.

  • keep_tmp_files (bool) – If True, keep all temporary files. Otherwise, removes them in the end.


  • mol_obj (MolWrapper, rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol, or openbabel.pybel.Molecule) – The converted molecule.

  • ignored_atoms (list) – List of ignored atoms. Currently, ignored atoms may contain only metals.

download_pdb(pdb_id, output_path='.', overwrite=False)[source]

Download a PDB file from

  • pdb_id (str) – 4-symbols structure Id from PDB (e.g. 3J92).

  • output_path (str) – Put the PDB file in this directory.

  • overwrite (bool) – If True, overwrite any existing PDB files.

entity_to_string(entity, select=<Select all>, write_conects=True, write_end=True, preserve_atom_numbering=True)[source]

Convert a Structure object (or a subset of a Structure object) to string.

This function works on a structural level. That means if entity is not a Structure object, the structure will be recovered directly from entity. Therefore, use select to select specific chains, residues, and atoms from the structure object.

  • entity (Entity) – The PDB object to be converted.

  • select (Select) – Decides which atoms will be saved at the output. By default, all atoms are accepted.

  • write_conects (bool) – If True, writes CONECT records.

  • write_end (bool) – If True, writes the END record.

  • preserve_atom_numbering (bool) – If True, preserve the atom numbering. Otherwise, re-enumerate the atom serial numbers.


The converted entity.

Return type


get_entity_from_entry(entity, entry, model=0)[source]

Get a Chain or Residue instance based on the provided entry entry.

  • entity (Entity) – The PDB object to recover the target entry from.

  • entry (Entry) – The target entry.

  • model (int) – The PDB model where the entry could be found. The default value is 0.


The target entry.

Return type


  • MoleculeNotFoundError – If the entry’s molecule was not found in entity.

  • ChainNotFoundError – If the entry’s chain was not found in entity.

get_residue_cov_bonds(residue, select=<Select all>)[source]

Get covalently bound atoms from residues or other molecules.

  • residue (Residue) – The residue or other molecule from which covalently bound atoms will be recovered.

  • select (Select) – Decides which atoms will be consired. By default, all atoms are accepted.


List of pairs of covalently bound atoms.

Return type

list of tuple(Atom, Atom)

get_residue_neighbors(residue, select=<Select all>)[source]

Get all neighbors from a residue.

In the case of an amino acid that is part of a peptide bond, its neighbors are any predecessor or successor residues. The same idea applies to nucleic acids.

  • residue (Residue) – The residue or other molecule from which covalently bound molecules will be recovered.

  • select (Select) – Decides which atoms will be consired. By default, all atoms are accepted.


neighbors – A dictionary containing the predecessor (previous) or successor (next) molecules.

Return type

dict of {str : Residue}

is_covalently_bound(atm1, atm2)[source]

Verifies if atoms atm1 and atm2 are covalently bound.

parse_from_file(pdb_id, file)[source]

Read a PDB file and return a Structure object.

  • pdb_id (str) – The structure identifier.

  • file (str) – Pathname of the PDB file.


structure – The parsed PDB file as a Structure object.

Return type



PDBNotReadError – If the PDB file could not be parsed.

save_to_file(entity, output_file, select=<Select all>, write_conects=True, write_end=True, preserve_atom_numbering=True)[source]

Write a Structure object (or a subset of a Structure object) into a file.

  • entity (Entity) – The PDB object to be saved.

  • output_file (str) – Save the selected atoms to this file.

  • select (Select) – Decide which atoms will be saved at the PDB output. By default, all atoms are accepted.

  • write_conects (bool) – If True, write CONECT records.

  • write_end (bool) – If True, write the END record.

  • preserve_atom_numbering (bool) – If True, preserve the atom numbering. Otherwise, re-enumerate the atom serial numbers.